Source code for univention.udm.modules.computers_all

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Module and object for all `computers/\*` UDM modules.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from ..encoders import (
	CnameListPropertyEncoder, DnsEntryZoneAliasListPropertyEncoder, DnsEntryZoneForwardListMultiplePropertyEncoder,
	dn_list_property_encoder_for, dn_property_encoder_for, StringIntBooleanPropertyEncoder, StringIntPropertyEncoder
from .generic import GenericModule, GenericObject, GenericObjectProperties

[docs]class ComputersAllObjectProperties(GenericObjectProperties): r"""`computers/\*` UDM properties.""" _encoders = { 'dnsAlias': CnameListPropertyEncoder, # What is this? Isn't this data in dnsEntryZoneAlias already? 'dnsEntryZoneAlias': DnsEntryZoneAliasListPropertyEncoder, 'dnsEntryZoneForward': DnsEntryZoneForwardListMultiplePropertyEncoder, 'dnsEntryZoneReverse': DnsEntryZoneReverseListMultiplePropertyEncoder, 'groups': dn_list_property_encoder_for('groups/group'), 'nagiosParents': dn_list_property_encoder_for('auto'), # can be different types of computer/* objects 'nagiosServices': dn_list_property_encoder_for('nagios/service'), 'network': dn_property_encoder_for('networks/network'), 'portal': dn_property_encoder_for('settings/portal'), 'primaryGroup': dn_property_encoder_for('groups/group'), 'reinstall': StringIntBooleanPropertyEncoder, 'sambaRID': StringIntPropertyEncoder, }
[docs]class ComputersAllObject(GenericObject): r"""Better representation of `computers/\*` properties.""" udm_prop_class = ComputersAllObjectProperties
[docs]class ComputersAllModule(GenericModule): """ComputersAllObject factory""" _udm_object_class = ComputersAllObject class Meta: supported_api_versions = [1, 2] default_positions_property = 'computers' suitable_for = ['computers/*']
[docs]class ComputersDCModule(ComputersAllModule): """ComputersAllObject factory with an adjusted default position""" class Meta: supported_api_versions = [1, 2] default_positions_property = 'domaincontroller' suitable_for = ['computers/domaincontroller_master', 'computers/domaincontroller_backup', 'computers/domaincontroller_slave']
[docs]class ComputersMemberModule(ComputersAllModule): """ComputersAllObject factory with an adjusted default position""" def _get_default_object_positions(self): ret = super(ComputersMemberModule, self)._get_default_object_positions() if len(ret) == 4 and \ 'cn=computers,{}'.format(self.connection.base) in ret and \ 'cn=memberserver,cn=computers,{}'.format(self.connection.base) in ret and \ 'cn=dc,cn=computers,{}'.format(self.connection.base) in ret and \ self.connection.base in ret: ret.remove('cn=memberserver,cn=computers,{}'.format(self.connection.base)) ret.insert(0, 'cn=memberserver,cn=computers,{}'.format(self.connection.base)) return ret class Meta: supported_api_versions = [1, 2] default_positions_property = 'computers' suitable_for = ['computers/memberserver']