Source code for univention.udm.modules.mail_all

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Module and object specific for all "mail/\*" UDM modules.

This module handles the problem that on a OX system, UDM modules are registered
for oxmail/ox$NAME, that opens LDAP objects with both
``univentionObjectType=oxmail/ox$NAME`` *and*

:py:meth:`GenericModule._verify_univention_object_type()` raises a
:py:exc:`WrongObjectType` exception when loading it.

The overwritten method :py:meth:`_verify_univention_object_type()` allows both
`mail/\*` and `oxmail/\*` in `univentionObjectType`.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import copy
from ..encoders import ListOfListOflTextToDictPropertyEncoder, StringIntPropertyEncoder
from .generic import GenericModule, GenericObject, GenericObjectProperties
from ..exceptions import WrongObjectType

[docs]class MailAllObjectProperties(GenericObjectProperties): """mail/* UDM properties.""" _encoders = { 'mailQuota': StringIntPropertyEncoder, # mail/folder 'mailUserQuota': StringIntPropertyEncoder, # oxmail/oxfolder 'sharedFolderGroupACL': ListOfListOflTextToDictPropertyEncoder, 'sharedFolderUserACL': ListOfListOflTextToDictPropertyEncoder, }
[docs]class MailAllObject(GenericObject): """Better representation of mail/* properties.""" udm_prop_class = MailAllObjectProperties
[docs]class MailAllModule(GenericModule): """MailAllObject factory""" _udm_object_class = MailAllObject def _verify_univention_object_type(self, orig_udm_obj): r""" Allow both `mail/\*` and `oxmail/\*` in `univentionObjectType`. """ uni_obj_type = copy.copy(getattr(orig_udm_obj, 'oldinfo', {}).get('univentionObjectType')) if uni_obj_type and uni_obj_type[0].startswith('mail/'): # oxmail/oxfolder -> .append(mail/folder) uni_obj_type.append('oxmail/ox{}'.format(uni_obj_type[0].split('/', 1)[1])) elif uni_obj_type and uni_obj_type[0].startswith('oxmail/'): # mail/folder -> .append(oxmail/oxfolder) uni_obj_type.append('mail/{}'.format(uni_obj_type[0].split('/', 1)[1][2:])) # and now the original test if uni_obj_type and'/', 1)[0] not in [uot.split('/', 1)[0] for uot in uni_obj_type]: raise WrongObjectType(dn=orig_udm_obj.dn,, univention_object_type=', '.join(uni_obj_type)) class Meta: supported_api_versions = [1, 2] suitable_for = ['mail/*']