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Univention Directory Manager Modules (UDM) API
This is a simplified API for accessing UDM objects.
It consists of UDM modules and UDM object.
UDM modules are factories for UDM objects.
UDM objects manipulate LDAP objects.
The :py:class:`UDM` class is a LDAP connection and UDM module factory.
from univention.udm import UDM
user_mod = UDM.admin().version(2).get('users/user')
user_mod = UDM.machine().version(2).get('users/user')
user_mod = UDM.credentials('myuser', 's3cr3t').version(2).get('users/user')
obj = user_mod.get(dn)
obj.props.firstname = 'foo' # modify property
obj.position = 'cn=users,cn=example,dc=com' # move LDAP object
obj.save() # apply changes
obj = user_mod.get(dn)
obj = user_mod.new()
obj.props.username = 'bar'
obj.props.lastname = 'baz'
obj.props.password = 'v3r7s3cr3t'
obj.props.unixhome = '/home/bar'
for obj in user_mod.search('uid=a*'): # search() returns a generator
print(obj.props.firstname, obj.props.lastname)
A shortcut exists to get UDM objects directly, without knowing their
univention object type::
A shortcut exists to get UDM objects directly, knowing their univention object
type, but without knowing their DN::
UDM.admin().version(2).get('groups/group').get_by_id('Domain Users')
The API is versioned. A fixed version must be hard coded in your code. Supply
it as argument to the UDM module factory or via :py:meth:`version()`::
UDM(lo, 0) # use API version 0 and an existing LDAP connection object
UDM.admin().version(1) # use API version 1
UDM.credentials('myuser', 's3cr3t').version(2).obj_by_dn(dn) # get object using API version 2
* Version 0: values of UDM properties are the same as with the low level UDM API: mostly strings.
* Version 1: values of (most) UDM properties are de/encoded to useful Python types (e.g. "0" -> 0 or False)
* Version 2: an encoder for settings/portal_category properties was added.
The LDAP connection to use must be supplies as an argument to the UDM module factory or set via
:py:meth:`admin()`, :py:meth:`machine()`, or :py:meth:`credentials()`::
UDM(lo) # use an already existing uldap connection object
UDM.admin() # cn=admin connection
UDM.machine() # machine connection
UDM.credentials(identity, password, base=None, server=None, port=None) # custom connection,
# `identity` is either a username or a DN. LDAP base, server FQDN/IP and port are optional.
# If it is a username, a machine connection is used to retrieve the DN it belongs to.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from operator import itemgetter
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from .exceptions import ApiVersionMustNotChange, ApiVersionNotSupported, NoApiVersionSet, NoObject
from .plugins import Plugins
_MODULES_PATH = 'univention.udm.modules'
[docs]class UDM(object):
Dynamic factory for creating :py:class:`BaseModule` objects::
group_mod = UDM.admin().version(2).get('groups/group')
folder_mod = UDM.machine().version(2).get('mail/folder')
user_mod = UDM.credentials('myuser', 's3cr3t').version(2).get('users/user')
A shortcut exists to get UDM objects directly::
_module_object_cache = {}
def __init__(self, connection, api_version=None):
Use the provided connection.
:param connection: Any connection object (e.g., univention.admin.uldap.access)
:param int api_version: load only UDM modules that support the
specified version, can be set later using :py:meth:`version()`.
:return: None
:rtype: None
self.connection = connection
self._api_version = None
if api_version is not None:
[docs] @classmethod
def admin(cls):
Use a cn=admin connection.
:return: a :py:class:`univention.udm.udm.UDM` instance
:rtype: univention.udm.udm.UDM
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ConnectionError: Non-Primary systems, server down, etc.
from .connections import LDAP_connection
connection = LDAP_connection.get_admin_connection()
return cls(connection)
[docs] @classmethod
def machine(cls):
Use a machine connection.
:return: a :py:class:`univention.udm.udm.UDM` instance
:rtype: univention.udm.udm.UDM
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ConnectionError: File permissions, server down, etc.
from .connections import LDAP_connection
connection = LDAP_connection.get_machine_connection()
return cls(connection)
[docs] @classmethod
def credentials(
Use the provided credentials to open an LDAP connection.
`identity` must be either a username or a DN. If it is a username, a
machine connection is used to retrieve the DN it belongs to.
:param str identity: username or user dn to use for LDAP connection
:param str password: password of user / DN to use for LDAP connection
:param str base: optional search base
:param str server: optional LDAP server address as FQDN
:param int port: optional LDAP server port
:return: a :py:class:`univention.udm.udm.UDM` instance
:rtype: univention.udm.udm.UDM
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ConnectionError: Invalid credentials, server down, etc.
from .connections import LDAP_connection
connection = LDAP_connection.get_credentials_connection(identity, password, base, server, port)
return cls(connection)
[docs] def version(self, api_version):
Set the version of the API that the UDM modules must support.
Use in a chain of methods to get a UDM module::
:param int api_version: load only UDM modules that support the
specified version
:return: self (the :py:class:`univention.udm.udm.UDM` instance)
:rtype: univention.udm.udm.UDM
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ApiVersionMustNotChange: if called twice
if not isinstance(api_version, int):
raise ApiVersionNotSupported("Argument 'api_version' must be an int.", requested_version=api_version)
if self._api_version is None:
self._api_version = api_version
raise ApiVersionMustNotChange()
return self
[docs] def get(self, name):
Get an object of :py:class:`BaseModule` (or of a subclass) for UDM
module `name`.
:param str name: UDM module name (e.g. `users/user`)
:return: object of a subclass of :py:class:`BaseModule`
:rtype: BaseModule
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ApiVersionNotSupported: if the Python module for `name` could not be loaded
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoApiVersionSet: if the API version has not been set
key = (name, self._api_version, id(self.connection))
if key not in self._module_object_cache:
suitable_modules = []
plugins = Plugins(_MODULES_PATH)
for module in plugins:
if self.api_version not in module.meta.supported_api_versions:
for suitable in module.meta.suitable_for:
if fnmatch(name, suitable):
suitable_modules.append((suitable.count('*'), module))
klass = suitable_modules[0][1]
except IndexError:
raise ApiVersionNotSupported(module_name=name, requested_version=self.api_version)
self._module_object_cache[key] = klass(name, self.connection, self.api_version)
return self._module_object_cache[key]
[docs] def obj_by_dn(self, dn):
Try to load an UDM object from LDAP. Guess the required UDM module
from the ``univentionObjectType`` LDAP attribute of the LDAP object.
:param str dn: DN of the object to load
:return: object of a subclass of :py:class:`BaseObject`
:rtype: BaseObject
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoApiVersionSet: if the API version has not been set
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject: if no object is found at `dn`
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.ImportError: if the Python module for ``univentionObjectType``
at ``dn`` could not be loaded
:raises univention.udm.exceptions.UnknownModuleType: if the LDAP object at ``dn`` had no or
empty attribute ``univentionObjectType``
if self.connection.__module__ != 'univention.admin.uldap':
raise NotImplementedError('obj_by_dn() can only be used with an LDAP connection.')
ldap_obj = self.connection.get(dn, attr=[str('univentionObjectType')])
if not ldap_obj:
raise NoObject(dn=dn)
uot = ldap_obj['univentionObjectType'][0].decode('utf-8')
udm_module = self.get(uot)
return udm_module.get(dn)
def api_version(self):
if self._api_version is None:
raise NoApiVersionSet()
return self._api_version