Source code for univention.updater.scripts.updater

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2004-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
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# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
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Tool for updating local system

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re
import sys
from argparse import SUPPRESS, ArgumentParser, Namespace  # noqa: F401
from datetime import datetime
from errno import ENOENT
from subprocess import DEVNULL, call
from textwrap import dedent, wrap

    import univention.debug as ud
except ImportError:
    import univention.debug2 as ud  # type: ignore

from univention.config_registry import ConfigRegistry
from univention.lib.ucs import UCS_Version

from univention.admindiary.client import write_event

from univention.updater.errors import PreconditionError, ConfigurationError, RequiredComponentError, VerificationError, DownloadError
from import Component, UniventionUpdater, LocalUpdater  # noqa: F401
from univention.updater.locking import UpdaterLock, apt_lock
from univention.updater.commands import cmd_update, cmd_dist_upgrade

    from typing import Container, Dict, IO, Iterable, Iterator, List, NoReturn, Optional, Set, Sequence, Tuple  # noqa: F401
    from typing_extensions import Literal  # noqa: F401
    _CMDS = Literal["local", "net"]
except ImportError:

#   * check the local repository path /var/lib/univention-reposiotry
#   * changed variable update/server to repository/online/server

FN_STATUS = '/var/lib/univention-updater/univention-updater.status'
failure = '/var/lib/univention-updater/update-failed'
reboot_required = '/run/univention-updater-reboot'
TMPSOURCE = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/00_ucs_temporary_installation.list'
TMPSOURCE2 = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/00_ucs_update_in_progress.list'

LOGNAME = '/var/log/univention/updater.log'
fd_log = sys.stderr  # type: IO[str]
stdout_orig = sys.stdout
nostdout = False

updater_status = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]

RE_APT = re.compile(
    (?:\[ [^]]* \]\s*)?
    """, re.VERBOSE)

[docs]class UpdateError(Exception): """ Exception to signal errors on update. :param msg: Human readable message. :param errorsource: One of 'SETTINGS', 'PREPARATION', 'PREUP', 'UPDATE', 'POSTUP' """ def __init__(self, msg, errorsource): # type: (str, _ESRC) -> None Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.errorsource = errorsource
[docs]def log(str): # type: (str) -> None """ Log message to LOGNAME. """ print(str, file=fd_log) fd_log.flush()
[docs]def dprint(str): # type: (object) -> None """ Print message to stdout and LOGNAME. """ for fd in (stdout_orig, fd_log)[nostdout:]: print(str, file=fd) fd.flush()
[docs]def update_status(**kwargs): # type: (**str) -> None ''' update updater_status and write status to disk Keys: - current_version ==> UCS_Version ==> 2.3-1 - next_version ==> UCS_Version ==> 2.3-2 - target_version ==> UCS_Version ==> 2.4-0 - type ==> (LOCAL|NET) - status ==> (RUNNING|FAILED|DONE) - phase ==> (PREPARATION|PREUP|UPDATE|POSTUP) ==> only valid if status=RUNNING - errorsource ==> (SETTINGS|PREPARATION|PREUP|UPDATE|POSTUP) ''' updater_status.update(kwargs) if updater_status.get('status') != 'RUNNING': updater_status.pop('phase', None) # write temporary file fn = '' % FN_STATUS try: with open(fn, 'w+') as fd: for key, val in updater_status.items(): fd.write('%s=%s\n' % (key, val)) os.rename(fn, FN_STATUS) except EnvironmentError as ex: dprint('Warning: cannot update status: %s' % (ex,))
[docs]def get_status(): # type: () -> Dict[str, str] """ Read Updater status from file. :returns: Dictionary with status .. seealso:: :py:func:`update_status` """ status = {} # type: Dict[str, str] try: with open(FN_STATUS, 'r') as fd: for line in fd: try: key, value = line.rstrip().split('=', 1) except ValueError: continue status[key] = value except EnvironmentError: pass return status
[docs]def remove_temporary_sources_list(): # type: () -> None """ Add the temporary sources.list. """ for fn in (TMPSOURCE, TMPSOURCE2): try: os.remove(fn) except EnvironmentError as ex: if ex.errno != ENOENT: raise
[docs]def add_temporary_sources_list(temporary_sources_list): # type: (Iterable[str]) -> None """ Add line to a temporary sources.list. """ remove_temporary_sources_list() with open(TMPSOURCE, 'w') as fp: for entry in temporary_sources_list: print(entry, file=fp)
[docs]def update_available(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> Tuple[UniventionUpdater, Optional[UCS_Version]] """ Checks if there is an update available. Returns the next version, or None if up-to-date, or throws an UpdateError if the next version can not be identified.""" log('--->DBG:update_available(mode={0.mode})'.format(opt)) if opt.mode == 'local': return update_local(opt, ucr) elif opt.mode == 'net': return update_net(opt, ucr) else: raise ValueError(opt.mode)
[docs]def update_local(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> Tuple[UniventionUpdater, Optional[UCS_Version]] dprint('Checking local repository') updater = LocalUpdater() try: assert updater.server.access(None, '') nextversion = updater.release_update_available(errorsto='exception') except DownloadError: raise UpdateError( 'A local repository was not found.\n' ' Please check the UCR variable repository/mirror/basepath\n' ' or try to install via "univention-updater net"', errorsource='SETTINGS') return updater, nextversion
[docs]def update_net(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> Tuple[UniventionUpdater, Optional[UCS_Version]] dprint('Checking network repository') try: updater = UniventionUpdater() nextversion = updater.release_update_available(errorsto='exception') except RequiredComponentError: raise except ConfigurationError as ex: raise UpdateError('The configured repository is unavailable: %s' % (ex,), errorsource='SETTINGS') return (updater, nextversion)
[docs]def update_ucr_updatestatus(): # type: () -> None try: call(('/usr/share/univention-updater/univention-updater-check',), stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) except EnvironmentError: dprint('Warning: calling univention-updater-check failed.')
[docs]def call_local(opt): # type: (Namespace) -> NoReturn """Call updater in "local" mode.""" cmd = [ arg for args in ( [sys.argv[0], 'local'], ['--updateto', str(opt.updateto)] if opt.updateto else [], ["--no-clean"][:opt.no_clean], ["--ignoressh"][:opt.ignoressh], ["--ignoreterm"][:opt.ignoreterm], ["--ignore-releasenotes"][:opt.ignore_releasenotes], ) for arg in args ] os.execv(sys.argv[0], cmd) dprint('Fatal: failed to exec: %r' % cmd) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def parse_args(args=None): # type: (Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> Namespace """ Parse command line arguments. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument("--reboot", action="store_true", help=SUPPRESS) # Deprecated parser.add_argument("--updateto", metavar="RELEAASE", type=UCS_Version, help="Upper limit for version") parser.add_argument("--no-clean", action="store_true", help="Skip cleaning downloaded package file") group = parser.add_argument_group("Non-interactive usage") group.add_argument("--ignoressh", action="store_true", help="Skip check for SSH terminal") group.add_argument("--ignoreterm", action="store_true", help="Skip check for X11 Terminal") group.add_argument("--ignore-releasenotes", action="store_true", help="Skip showing release notes") group.add_argument("--noninteractive", action="store_true", help="Do not ask interactive questions") group = parser.add_argument_group("Verbosity options") group.add_argument("--silent", action="store_true", help="No output to STDOUT") group.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="count", default=2, help="Increase verbosity") parser.add_argument("--check", action="store_true", help="Check if system is up-to-date") parser.add_argument("mode", choices=("local", "net"), help="Update source") return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def setup_logging(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> IO[str] ud.init(LOGNAME, 0, 0) try: loglevel = int(ucr.get('update/debug/level', opt.verbose)) except ValueError: loglevel = opt.verbose ud.set_level(ud.NETWORK, loglevel) if opt.silent: global nostdout nostdout = True return open(LOGNAME, 'a+')
[docs]def check(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> bool """ Return pending update status. """ try: _updater, nextversion = update_available(opt, ucr) if nextversion: dprint('Next version is %s' % nextversion) return True except UpdateError as msg: dprint("Error: %s" % msg) print('Error: Please check "%s" for details.' % LOGNAME, file=sys.stderr) # Errors are handled as "update currently no available" except RequiredComponentError as ex: dprint("%s" % ex) else: dprint('System is up to date') # Sync with /etc/cron.d/univention-maintenance return False
[docs]def find(opt, ucr): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry) -> Optional[Tuple[UniventionUpdater, UCS_Version]] lastversion = '%(version/version)s-%(version/patchlevel)s' % ucr log('**** Starting univention-updater %s with parameter=%s' % (lastversion, sys.argv)) # Bug #51880: if last failed last_status = get_status() if last_status.get('status') == 'FAILED' and last_status.get('errorsource') == 'POSTUP': dprint("ERROR: The of the last update was not executed successfully.") dprint(" Please check for further information.") dprint(" The update can be started after the has been successfully re-executed and ") dprint(" /var/lib/univention-updater/univention-updater.status has been removed.") sys.exit(1) update_status(current_version=lastversion, type=opt.mode.upper(), status='RUNNING', phase='PREPARATION') updater, nextversion = update_available(opt, ucr) if not nextversion: dprint('System is up to date (UCS %s)' % lastversion) return None if opt.updateto and nextversion > opt.updateto: dprint('Update hold at %s, next %s is after %s' % (lastversion, nextversion, opt.updateto)) return None return (updater, nextversion)
[docs]def run(opt, ucr, updater, nextversion): # type: (Namespace, ConfigRegistry, UniventionUpdater, UCS_Version) -> None if opt.noninteractive: opt.ignore_releasenotes = True os.environ['UCS_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' with open(os.path.devnull, 'r') as null: os.dup2(null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) dprint('Update to = %s' % nextversion) update_status(next_version=nextversion) if opt.updateto: update_status(target_version=opt.updateto) if opt.ignore_releasenotes: os.environ['update_warning_releasenotes_internal'] = 'no' if opt.ignoressh: os.environ['update%d%d_ignoressh' %] = 'yes' if opt.ignoreterm: os.environ['update%d%d_ignoreterm' %] = 'yes' add_temporary_sources_list(updater.release_update_temporary_sources_list(nextversion)) try: phase = 'preup' update_status(phase='PREUP') scripts = updater.get_sh_files(nextversion, nextversion) for phase, order in updater.call_sh_files(scripts, LOGNAME, str(nextversion)): # do not switch back and forth between PRE and UPDATE phase resp. UPDATE and POST phase. if (phase, order) not in ( ('update', 'pre'), ('update', 'post'), ): update_status(phase=phase.upper()) if (phase, order) == ('update', 'pre'): log('**** Downloading scripts at %s' % elif (phase, order) == ('preup', 'pre'): log('**** Starting actual update at %s' % elif (phase, order) == ('update', 'main'): with apt_lock(): if call(cmd_update, shell=True, stdout=fd_log, stderr=fd_log): raise UpdateError('Failed to execute "%s"' % cmd_update, errorsource='UPDATE') context_id = write_event(UPDATE_STARTED, {'hostname': ucr.get('hostname')}) if context_id: os.environ['ADMINDIARY_CONTEXT'] = context_id # Used by ../univention-maintenance-mode/univention-maintenance-mode-update-progress detailed_status = FN_STATUS + '.details' with apt_lock(), open(detailed_status, 'w+b') as detailed_status_fd: fno = detailed_status_fd.fileno() env = dict(os.environ, DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive") cmd2 = "%s -o APT::Status-FD=%s" % (cmd_dist_upgrade, fno) resultCode = call(cmd2, shell=True, stdout=fd_log, stderr=fd_log, env=env, pass_fds=(fno,)) if os.path.exists(detailed_status): os.unlink(detailed_status) if resultCode != 0: raise UpdateError('Failed to execute "%s"' % cmd_dist_upgrade, errorsource='UPDATE') elif (phase, order) == ('postup', 'main'): # Bug #23202: After an update of Python ucr.handler_set() may not work any more cmd = [ 'univention-config-registry', 'set', 'version/version={}'.format(nextversion.FORMAT % nextversion), 'version/patchlevel={0.patchlevel}'.format(nextversion), ] call(cmd, stdout=fd_log, stderr=fd_log) except BaseException: if phase == 'preup' or (phase == 'update' and order == 'pre'): remove_temporary_sources_list() raise remove_temporary_sources_list() if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/univention-pkgdb-scan'): call(['/usr/sbin/univention-pkgdb-scan'], stdout=fd_log, stderr=fd_log) if not opt.no_clean: call(['apt-get', 'clean']) call(['touch', reboot_required]) write_event(UPDATE_FINISHED_SUCCESS, {'hostname': ucr.get('hostname'), 'version': 'UCS %(version/version)s-%(version/patchlevel)s errata%(version/erratalevel)s' % ucr})
[docs]def main(): # type: () -> None # PATH does not contain */sbin when called from cron os.environ['PATH'] = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' opt = parse_args() ucr = ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() global fd_log with setup_logging(opt, ucr) as fd_log: try: try: with UpdaterLock(): if opt.check: sys.exit(check(opt, ucr)) ret = find(opt, ucr) if ret: run(opt, ucr, ret[0], ret[1]) update_status(status='DONE') if os.path.exists(failure): os.unlink(failure) if ret: os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) except VerificationError as ex: msg = '\n'.join([ "Update aborted due to verification error:", "%s" % (ex,), ] + wrap(dedent( """\ This can and should only be disabled temporarily using the UCR variable 'repository/online/verify'. """ ))) raise UpdateError(msg, errorsource='SETTINGS') except ConfigurationError as e: msg = 'Update aborted due to configuration error: %s' % e raise UpdateError(msg, errorsource='SETTINGS') except RequiredComponentError as ex: update_status(status='DONE', errorsource='PREPARATION') dprint(ex) except PreconditionError as ex: (phase, order, component, script) = ex.args if phase == 'preup': phase = 'pre-update' errorsource = 'PREUP' # type: _ESRC elif phase == 'postup': phase = 'post-update' errorsource = 'POSTUP' else: errorsource = 'UPDATE' if order == 'main': order = 'release %s' % component elif order == 'pre': order = 'component %s before calling release script' % component elif order == 'post': order = 'component %s after calling release script' % component msg = 'Update aborted by %s script of %s' % (phase, order) raise UpdateError(msg, errorsource=errorsource) update_ucr_updatestatus() except UpdateError as msg: write_event(UPDATE_FINISHED_FAILURE, {'hostname': ucr.get('hostname')}) update_status(status='FAILED', errorsource=msg.errorsource) dprint("Error: %s" % msg) call(['touch', failure]) sys.exit('Error: Please check "%s" for details.' % LOGNAME) except KeyboardInterrupt: update_status(status='FAILED') dprint("\nUpdate aborted by user (ctrl-c)\n") sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()