2. Changelog#

2.1. Released on 2023-06-21#

Source package ucs-school-selfservice-support in version 4.0.3:

  • The “Change password” option is now automatically available for every school user (Bug #55864).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.37:

  • Added a UCR variable ucsschool/stop_notifier to configure stopping the notifier during imports (Bug #54228).

2.2. Released on 2023-06-07#

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 10.0.9:

  • Fix: The process of creating exam users could fail due to an unsuccessful SID acquisition (Bug #54848).

2.3. Released on 2023-05-24#

Source package ucs-school-umc-users in version 16.0.7A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • Typos in name field description for German have been fixed (Bug #55773).

Source package ucs-school-umc-printermoderation in version 17.1.3A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • Typos in name field description for German have been fixed (Bug #55773).

Source package ucs-school-umc-lists in version 3.0.8:

  • Class lists can be downloaded in Firefox again while the module is opened in an iframe (UCS portal) (Bug #55102).

Source package ucs-school-umc-groups in version 10.0.9A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • Fixed a problem where the modal to add “Members”, “Teachers” and “Classes” in the “Administrate workgroups”, “Administrate teachers” and “Administrate classes” UCS@school UMC modules respectively would show objects of a different school than selected (Bug #55990).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.36A~

  • Validate usernames to avoid Windows reserved names (Bug #53519).

  • Removing admin from a school removes them from the correct admin group (Bug #55986).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.32:

  • Support setting multiple nested settings for the importer (Bug #56041).

  • Make columns and lines configurable in log output (Bug #53734).

2.4. Released on 2023-03-27#

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.33A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • Colons can now be used in exam names (Bug #55768).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.30A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • When passing nested command line arguments like output for ucs-school- user-import, only the last one was used. This has been fixed (Bug #53632).

2.5. Released on 2023-02-23#

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 10.0.8A~

  • The coding style has been improved (Bug #55751).

  • Prevent exam-exam- users from being created. (Bug #55619).

2.6. Released on 2023-01-19#

Source package ucs-school-umc-diagnostic in version 2.0.12A~

  • Updated the terminology to replication and primary directory node (Bug #55557).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.31A~

  • Internal bug fix: More DNs are now compared case insensitive (Bug #55455).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.28A~

  • Allow executing python import hooks during the script import_computer. Learn more about the implementation of this type of hook in the UCS@school Administrators manual (Bug #55014).

  • Internal bug fix: More OU names are now compared case insensitive (Bug #55455).

2.7. Released on 2022-11-17#

Source package ucs-school-umc-wizards in version 12.0.12A~

  • The evaluation of password policies during the creation of new users in the UMC can now be enabled by setting the UCR Variable ucsschool/wizards/schoolwizards/users/check-password-policies. It is disabled by default (Bug #55415).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.30A~

  • UCS@school users now might be created with context types, which are unknown to the UCS@school library (Bug #55355).

  • Internal: Added an option to evaluate password policies when creating or modifying UCS@school users (Bug #55392).

  • Internal: Add classes UbuntuComputer and LinuxComputer to UCS@school library (Bug #55119).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.26A~

  • The evaluation of password policies during the import of new users can now be enabled by setting the configuration option evaluate_password_policies. It is disabled by default (Bug #55400).

  • Regression: The script import_computers supports computers of type linux and ubuntu again (Bug #55119).

2.8. Released on 2022-11-02#

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.24A~

  • UCS@school validation errors are logged with level WARNING instead of log level ERROR (Bug #55233).

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.24A~

  • Fix: Creating large data sets of test users sometimes failed due to non unique record_uids (Bug #55134).

  • Fix: When importing computers with a specified network instead of specific IP address, the import failed (Bug #55130).

2.9. Released on 2022-08-25:#

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.21A~

  • Fix user validation in mass import with dry-run (Bug #55016).

  • Underscores are now allowed in OU names, when the hostname of the school server is also passed (Bug #55125).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.23A~

  • Internal: Add check_name parameter to the validate() method of multiple classes which allows disabling name checks such as checking if a user with the same user name already exists in another school (Bug #55016).

  • Underscores are now allowed in OU names, when the hostname of the school server is also passed (Bug #55125).

2.10. Released on 2022-08-17:#

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.19A~

  • A validation error causing an infinite recursion error was fixed (Bug #55083).

Source package ucs-school-umc-internetrules in version 16.0.4A~

  • A bug was fixed which caused groups not being displayed in the Assign internet rules module when group prefixes were set via an UCR variable (Bug #55034).

2.11. Released on 2022-08-04:#

Source package ucs-school-import in version 18.0.18A~

  • The UCS@school import dry-run does not raise ValidationErrors for all subsequent users after an error (Bug #54118).

  • Internal change: preserve workgroups during import, to avoid a behavior change (Bug #54943).

Source package ucs-school-lib in version 13.0.21A~

  • User objects now have the workgroups attribute (Bug #54943).

  • School admins are removed from admins-OU group when remove_from_groups_of_school() is called (Bug #54368).

Source package ucs-school-umc-distribution in version 18.0.6A~

  • Invalid project directories named . or .. are now handled correctly (Bug #52719).

Source package ucs-school-umc-exam in version 10.0.6A~

  • The directory name validation now detects all incorrect names. Additionally, the exam directory name description has been improved (Bug #52719).

Source package ucs-school-veyon-windows in version

  • The Veyon windows installer has been updated from 4.5.2 to 4.7.4 (Bug #55029).