5.6. App Center service#

This section describes the architecture of the App Center service focused solely on UCS.

For a general overview of the App Center, its ecosystem, the participating actors, and the infrastructure, see Univention app ecosystem. For the overview of the App Center as product component, see App Center.

You can find the source code at UCS source: management/univention-appcenter/.

Fig. 5.21 shows the architecture overview of the App Center on a UCS system.


Fig. 5.21 Architecture overview of the App Center on a UCS system#

For the abstract context description about the first two rows in Fig. 5.21, refer to App Center.

In the notation in Fig. 5.21 the application service App Center Service summarizes all behavior that relates to the App Center and apps on a UCS system. The center piece for all behavior in the App Center are the App Center actions that use the Python App Center library to do “stuff” with Apps.

The App Center is a complex component in UCS. As you continue reading, the concepts unfold and reveal their internal parts.

See also

Python App Center library

for detailed information about the Python library for the App Center in Univention Corporate Server Python API 5.2 documentation [4].

5.6.1. App Center interfaces#

First, this section continues with the App Center connections to the external world. Fig. 5.22 shows the interfaces to the user for the App Center and how the App Center relates to other parts of UCS.


Fig. 5.22 App Center interfaces to the user#

The figure extends Fig. 4.4.

The left side shows the path for the web interface of the App Center. Like many other components, the App Center uses UMC - Univention Management Console for the web interface. The App Center provides the following UMC modules:

App Center in UMC

The UMC module App Center in UMC provides the web interface to the user. Administrators can list, show, install, update, and remove apps. It presents all available apps to the administrator in a nice overview. It’s also responsible for the app presentation with information like description, screenshots and videos, contact and app provider information.

Apps in UMC

The UMC module Apps in UMC provides a proper view in the UCS management system for every installed app. It shows the app description, detailed information and offers actions like update or remove on the app to the administrator.

The right side shows the path to the command line interface of the App Center.

The items App Center, Python App Center library, and App in the middle are the core of the App Center. The following sections describe them in more detail.

See also

App presentation

for information about how app providers can define the data for app presentation in Univention App Center for App Providers [2].

UCS source: management/univention-appcenter/umc/

for the source code of the UMC module App Center in UMC.

5.6.2. App Center actions#

App Center actions are the center piece for all behavior in the App Center. Figure Fig. 5.23 shows the most important actions.


Fig. 5.23 App Center actions#

To get a list of all actions, take a look into the checked out source code in the directory UCS source: management/univention-appcenter/python/ of the UCS repository and run the following command:

Listing 5.1 Get a list of available App Center actions from the sources#
$ find | grep actions

The core actions that administrators encounter when working with UCS are actions to manage the app lifecycle and control their operational status. These are actions such as:

  • App install

  • App remove

  • App upgrade

  • App start

  • App stop

  • App restart

  • App update

And the App Center has other actions, for example, they run during installation like the App Center database integration or handle a listener module dedicated to the app. Furthermore, app developers use the App Center Dev actions during app development.

The App Center actions‘ purpose is manifold:

  • They abstract lifecycle actions for apps for the various distribution flavors like Package based app and Docker based app.

  • They hide the complexity of lifecycle management and standardize the needed procedures.

See also

App artifacts

for information about the various distribution flavors Package based app and Docker based app.

5.6.3. App Center apps cache#

This section covers the Apps Cache, a part of the App Center that exists on every UCS system. Fig. 5.24 shows the Apps Cache relationship to the App Center actions.


Fig. 5.24 App Center Apps cache#

The App Center has the action App update that downloads information from the App repository and writes the Apps Cache on a UCS system. It has the following purposes:

  • Download all the App metadata from the App repository. For information about the infrastructure, refer to Univention app infrastructure.

  • Consolidate the app metadata in a JSON file.

The app metadata locates in the directory /var/cache/univention-appcenter/ on a UCS system. The data from the Apps Cache is then available to all other App Center actions that need any kind of information related to apps. For example, the UMC module App Center in UMC reads the data from the Apps Cache to display it in the web interface.

5.6.4. App integration#

The App Center offers various integration points for apps to simplify the app setup and the integration into the UCS environment.

Web server integration#

For apps that offer their own web interface, the App Center provides a web server integration as shown in Fig. 5.25.


Fig. 5.25 App Center web server integration#

The App Center web server integration appends the Web server configuration and adds the path to the app’s web interface. The procedure uses Univention Configuration Registry (UCR). The App Center web server integration removes the appended configuration upon app removal.

Apps can also provide a complex web server integration by adding their own configuration to the HTTP web server. App developers handle the configuration lifecycle on their own in the app.

See also

Web interface

for more information about how to expose the app’s web interface in Univention App Center for App Providers [2].

Portal integration#

Apps that offer a web interface and use the web server integration automatically use the portal integration to add a tile to the UCS portal, as shown in Fig. 5.26.


Fig. 5.26 App Center portal integration#

Upon installation, the App Center adds a portal tile with the icon, name, and link to the app’s web interface. Upon removal, the App Center removes the portal tile.

Database integration#

For apps that need a RDBMS like MariaDB or PostgreSQL the App Center installs the respective packages from the UCS package repository during app installation, as shown in Fig. 5.27.


Fig. 5.27 App Center database integration#

Apps using the databases provided with UCS benefit from the following advantages:

  • Univention maintains the packages for the databases and provides security updates.

  • The databases integrate with the UCS system. For example, the App Center creates a database for the app together with a database user and password.

  • The App Center provides the connection settings to the app. The app can start with creating the database schema.

Nevertheless, the App Center database integration has the following limitations:

  • UCS installs the RDBMS on the same host as the app and creates one database.

  • The App Center doesn’t use the RDBMS on a remote host or in a Docker environment.

  • Apps have limited possibilities to configure the RDBMS.

  • If the UCS system with the app has multiple apps installed that use a database, they share the RDBMS and its configuration.

Docker based apps, that need more flexibility, can provide their app as Multi container app and add the RDBMS as Docker container with the required configuration. The app provider is responsible for maintenance and security updates for the RDBMS as Docker container.

Fig. 5.28 shows the maintenance relations for the RDBMS. Although the model might imply that either role maintains the database software, it’s not the case. Instead, they cover the distribution of the RDBMS.


Fig. 5.28 Maintenance of databases for Apps#

Consider the OR junction as XOR for the realization relation.

See also


for more information about how to configure the app integration in an app in Univention App Center for App Providers [2].

Identity management integration#

Many app providers integrate their app with the identity management in UCS. The identity management integration consists of the following aspects:

User provisioning

Provisioning means that the app gains knowledge about user account information and can, for example, create a user account in its own data structure and map it with the user account in the UCS identity management. Each app handles the mapping individually.

The preferred provisioning method is push. Upon changes in the LDAP directory, the Univention Directory Listener creates information for the app to handle.

In contrast, the pull method through direct LDAP connection requires periodic pulls. The app must then identify and handle changes on its own.

User authentication

Authentication means that the app uses one of the different authentication protocols in UCS like for example Kerberos, LDAP, SAML, or OpenID Connect.

To use the identity management integration in the app, the app developer can activate it in the app metadata.

Fig. 5.29 shows the App Center generating the listener module upon app installation for user provisioning using the push method. The key items have a less strong filled background color.


Fig. 5.29 Register App directory listener for user provisioning with push method#

Register App directory listener

Upon app installation, the App Center generates a listener module for the app and starts a service for the Univention Directory Listener.

  • Register App directory listener creates the artifact Listener module for app

  • Listener modules for app realizes the service Listener Module for app.

  • The service Listener module service runs the listener module for the app and belongs to the service Univention Directory Listener.

For example, on a UCS system with five installed apps that use the identity management integration, the App Center generates five listener modules and services.

Listener module service

The listener listens for changes in the LDAP directory service. The listener module consists of two parts:

  1. Part one creates change information relevant to the app based on changes in the LDAP directory. Such changes are, for example, user account created, user account modified, or user account removed.

  2. Part two takes the information about the changes and creates a JSON file, the artifact Listener data JSON for app, with information about the user account and about the kind of change. It periodically looks for the file from part one to generate the JSON file.

Listener data JSON for app

Is the artifact created by the Listener module service. From an architecture perspective the artifact realizes the data object IDM data for app.

Provision users to app

Provision users to app reads the IDM data for app, handles them accordingly, and writes the relevant information to the App’s user database. For example, the app creates a user account in its database to internally refer to the user. The Installed app, that has Provision users to app assigned, is responsible to handle the JSON files written by the Listener module service.

See also

For app software developers, refer to the following content in Univention App Center for App Providers [2]:

Extended attributes#

The App Center uses extended attributes for every app upon installation when the app requires the administrator to enable user accounts for the app.

Extended attributes require an LDAP schema extension. The App Center creates that schema extension automatically and registers it in the LDAP directory service. And it also generates the extended attribute accordingly to use the extra fields added with the schema extension and map them to respective fields in UDM.

For more information about extended attributes from the architecture perspective, refer to UDM data.

Beyond the default schema extension, the App Center also registers schema extensions provisioned with the app. Apps that use the LDAP directory as their user database make use of schema extensions and extended attributes to enable a respective user administration for the system administrator. An LDAP schema extension ensures that the third party software can use the required LDAP attributes.

See also

Administrators refer to the following content in Univention Corporate Server - Manual for users and administrators [1]:

Expansion of UMC modules with extended attributes

How to use extended attributes

See also

App software developers, refer to the following content in Univention App Center for App Providers [2]:

User rights management

for more information about user rights management for apps.

5.6.5. Dependencies for the App Center#

As complex component in UCS, the service App Center has the following dependencies:

Fig. 5.30 shows the direct dependencies in the model.


Fig. 5.30 Dependencies of the App Center#

The dependency to the Univention updater comes from the App Center’s handling of the Package based Apps and for example the App Center database integration.