⚠️ This document is for the Alpha version of Nubus for Kubernetes. Feedback is welcome. ⚠️

2.1. Capabilities#

This section describes the most important capabilities and functions of Nubus from the perspectives end users, operators and providers, and developers and integrators. It focuses on the following perspectives:

Each subsection details the capabilities for each perspective. Fig. 2.1 shows the capabilities.

Capability overview

Fig. 2.1 Capability overview#

2.1.1. End user perspective#

From the user’s point of view, Nubus offers a standardized user interface (UI) for accessing the integrated applications. Functions for users to manage their profile and accounts supplement the interface. Fig. 2.2 shows the capabilities of this perspective.

Capability End User Perspective

Fig. 2.2 Capability End User Perspective# User account self service#

Password reset and forgotten password

The end user can set a new password, if they forget it, without the need for an administrator or a help desk team. The password reset follows a bi-directional process and includes email as a second channel. A link in an email contains a token. The link is the entry point to the password reset. The token authenticates the end user. In addition, the password reset enforces password policies, such as minimum length, characters involved, and password lifetime.

User profile management

End users can typically edit their first name and last name, profile picture, and other attributes for their user account profile, without involving a help desk team.

Administrators can customize, which attributes an end user can edit. Uniform integrated user interface#

Easy access to integrated applications

A single point of entry to integrated applications that the user can access.

The administrator configures which user account or user group can access an application. They also configure which applications appear to unauthenticated users.

Information sharing

Applications can use a central notification service in the integrated user interface.

Information, data, and document sharing is possible through external adapters. For example, retrieve a document from a file storage application into an email application. Single Sign-On / Single Sign-Out#

Switch applications without sign-in interruption

End users only need to sign in once and can access multiple integrated applications without having to sign in to each application again. This capability provides convenience to the end user.

One user account to access integrated applications

A single user account and password for access to integrated applications. Administrators can centrally manage user accounts from a single point of administration.

2.1.2. Provider and operation perspective#

The consistent focus on Kubernetes enables providers and operators to operate in compliance with the Deutsche Verwaltungscloud Strategie (DVS) with a high level of standardization. Fig. 2.3 shows the capabilities of this perspective.

Capability Provider and Operation Perspective

Fig. 2.3 Capability Provider and Operation Perspective# Operation in Kubernetes cluster#

Nubus runs exclusively in a Kubernetes environment. Operators can configure the specific configuration of the Kubernetes environment, such as storage, monitoring, and databases. A quick install setup provides all required resources. Nubus supports standards for deployment and operation of the hardware and software components used.

For more information, see Univention Nubus for Kubernetes - Operation Manual [1]. Management of user accounts#

Interface for user lifecycle management

Create, update, and delete user accounts and user groups. Define attributes, such as account lifetime, email address, username, etc.

Permission management and access control

Define permissions and access for user accounts and user groups to access integrated applications. Integration with external IAM systems#

As an alternative to the manual management of users and authorizations, Nubus can connect to the user lifecycle of an existing external IAM system. Nubus seamlessly integrates existing user lifecycle processes. DVS compatible#

Nubus supports the requirements of the Deutsche Verwaltungscloud Strategie (DVS). Nubus complies with the specifications for the development of applications for the DVS. It also provides a standardized platform for the DVS-compliant integration of applications.

This takes place over the entire lifecycle of application deployment and support.

The source code of Nubus is available in a repository at OpenCoDE.

See also

Deutsche Verwaltungscloud

for more information about DVS. The article is in German.

Deutsche Verwaltungscloud-Strategie - Zielarchitektur

for information about the target architecture. The document is in German.

2.1.3. Development and governance perspective#

Capabilities for development and governance of Univention Nubus describe the required abilities to develop and manage Nubus. Fig. 2.4 shows the capabilities of this perspective.

Capabilities Development and Governance

Fig. 2.4 Capabilities Development and Governance# Integration of components and applications#

Integration in central user management

Applications have the possibility to integrate with the central user management through unified interfaces.

Integration in provisioning

Provides the connection and synchronization of user account objects, user group objects and asset objects that locate in the central IAM to components with their own user account persistence.

Integration in UI

Applications have the possibility to integrate with the UI through unified interfaces regarding access, permissions, and information exchange. Support and Maintenance#

Support hotline

The software vendor provides a team to help operators and providers with the operation of Nubus.

Maintenance service

The software vendor provides security updates, feature updates, and working Helm Charts to deploy Nubus into Kubernetes clusters. The software follows a typical lifecycle management for software updates, and software versioning complying to semantic versioning.

Installation support

The software vendor helps operators and providers to bring Nubus into operation.

See also

Semantic Versioning

for more information about the specification. Available as Open Source Software#

Source code publicly available on OpenCoDE

The source code for Nubus is publicly available on OpenCoDE together with the involved Helm Charts.

Hardware independent deployment

Nubus uses containers to deploy its software. Container descriptions are part of the publicly available source code.