2.6. Transport security with TLS#
This section provides information about transport security with TLS and certificate handling in Nubus for Kubernetes. Knowing the concept of ingress and how Kubernetes handles certificates is helpful for the understanding.
In general, Nubus follows the concepts regarding TLS as described in the Kubernetes concepts and best practices. The cluster network within the Nubus for Kubernetes namespace doesn’t use transport security. However, Nubus for Kubernetes exposes HTTP to the outside of the cluster network through Ingress. Ingress terminates TLS connections to Nubus and routes the HTTP traffic to the appropriate service. Rules defined on the Ingress resource control the traffic routing. For more information about the external perspective on the interfaces, refer to Section 2.4.1.
Information about used notation
This section uses concepts from the ArchiMate enterprise architecture modeling notation across the application and technology layers.
From the business layer it uses the following concepts:
Business Actor
Business Role
Business Service
From the application layer it uses the following concepts:
Application Component
Application Interface
Application Service
Data Object
From the technology layer it uses the following concepts:
System Software
From the relationships it uses the following concepts:
For more information on these ArchiMate concepts, refer to the following sections in Univention Corporate Server Architecture [2]:
Nubus doesn’t handle certificates. It delegates this task to a certificate manager.
A Certificate Authority (CA) issues certificates. Such certificate issuers are public or private organizations, for example Let’s Encrypt. A certificate manager uses issuers to obtain certificates. For TLS termination, the ingress resource needs a certificate and an instance to handle the certificate lifecycle, such as requesting a certificate and ensuring the certificate renewal. These tasks are the responsibility of a certificate manager, as shown in Fig. 2.37. Nubus for Kubernetes needs a certificate for the FQDNs of Keycloak and of the Portal Service.
To deploy Nubus, the cluster operator must provide the name of the certificate issuer for the Helm custom values file so that the certificate manager knows which issuer to use to obtain the certificates. The certificate manager needs a proper configuration of the issuer so that Nubus can use it.
For more information about what certificate manager Nubus requires, see Certificate manager in Univention Nubus for Kubernetes - Operation Manual [1].
Fig. 2.37 ArchiMate view showing the certificate manager creating the certificates#
Fig. 2.38 shows the details of the relationship between the certificate manager and Nubus for Kubernetes. The Nubus for Kubernetes Helm Chart defines the following ingress resources with TLS termination:
TLS Termination for Proxy in Keycloak Extensions for the Transparent Proxy to Keycloak interface of the Keycloak Proxy of the Keycloak Extensions.
TLS Termination for Nubus for the HTTP to Nubus interface.
Kubernetes realizes the TLS termination through the defined ingress resources, visualized through Ingress resource with TLS definition. The TLS termination services use the certificates from the certificate manager. The application components themselves, such as the transparent proxy to Keycloak or the Portal, don’t deal with certificates. Therefore, they don’t need to consider certificate lifecycle tasks.
Fig. 2.38 ArchiMate view showing the certificate manager and its relationship to Nubus for Kubernetes#
To enlarge the figure, follow the tips in How to use the document.
See also
- Ingress | Kubernetes
for more information about the Ingress API object.
- Certificate resource - cert-manager Documentation
for more information about the Certificate resource.