2.1. Central Navigation API#
Nubus for Kubernetes provides the Portal Service as a single point of entry for end users.
After sign-in to the Portal, users can find tiles with links to applications to which they have access permissions. The Central Navigation API provides an interface to retrieve the navigation links from the portal for a specific user. A third-party application can use this information to enhance its own navigation menu, allowing the user to switch between applications in the browser with a single click. The Central Navigation API is part of the Portal Service.
This section describes how to use the Portal’s Central Navigation API in a third-party application, how to call the API, what parameters it needs, and data it returns.
See also
- Portal Service
for architecture information of the Portal Service in Univention Nubus for Kubernetes - Architecture Manual [1].
2.1.1. Authentication#
The Central Navigation API and the third-party application use a shared-secret for authentication.
Upon deployment, Nubus creates the shared secret and stores it in release-portal-server-central-navigation-shared-secret
For the HTTP request,
use the HTTP Basic authentication scheme
with the HTTP Authorization request header.
The credentials
is a Base64 encoded string
which consists of username:shared-secret
The username is the user account’s uid
To configure a custom shared-secret for the Portal Service, use the following steps:
Create an
with a namename-for-shared-secret
and ensure it has the keyauthenticator.secret
.Add the lines from Listing 2.1 to your
. You need to provide the name of a Kubernetes secret. Inside that secret the keyauthenticator.secret
holds the value of the shared secret.nubusPortalServer: portalServer: centralNavigation: authenticatorSecretName: "name-for-shared-secret"
See also
- HTTP authentication - HTTP | MDN
for information about the HTTP framework for access control and authentication.
2.1.2. Request and response#
The Central Navigation API accepts a HTTP GET request with the HTTP Authorization request header and returns JSON object data.
- Request
- Endpoint:
- URL:
For the global domain, see the
value in yourcustom_values.yaml
file in your Nubus Helm Chart.For the request header for authentication, see Authentication.
- Response
The response is a JSON object with the following fields:
:A unique identifier for the navigation item.
:The URL to the icon in SVG format.
:The label of the link.
:The destination URL of the link.
:The browsing context in which the browser opens the link. Corresponds to the
property of<a>
tags in HTML.keywords
:It’s usually empty.
See also
- <a>: The Anchor element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
for information about values for the
- Example
You can use cURL to request the data. The following listings show examples for an authenticated request to the API and an anonymous request to the API.
$ curl \ 'https://portal.<global.domain>/univention/portal/navigation.json' \ -u "default.admin:shared-secret" \ | jq
$ curl \ 'https://portal.<global.domain>/univention/portal/navigation.json' \ -u "default.user:some-wrong-secret" \ | jq
Retrieve shared secret for use in example
To retrieve the shared-secret from the Kubernetes secret store, use the commands in Listing 2.4.
$ export NAMESPACE_FOR_NUBUS="Set to your Kubernetes namespace of Nubus" $ export RELEASE_NAME="The Helm Chart release name" $ kubectl --namespace "$NAMESPACE_FOR_NUBUS" \ get secrets \ -o json \ "$RELEASE_NAME"-portal-server-central-navigation-shared-secret \ | jq -r '.data."authenticator.secret"' \ | base64 -d
2.1.3. Deactivate API#
The default deployment of Nubus for Kubernetes activates the Central Navigation API.
To deactivate it, add the lines from Listing 2.5
to your custom_values.yaml
enabled: false