Load packaged integrations

3.2.5. Load packaged integrations#

This section describes, how to load a packaged integration in Nubus for Kubernetes. Before you can continue with this step, you need to follow the steps outlined in General steps. You need the packaged integration image available in a container registry.

To load a packaged integration to Nubus, use the following steps:

  1. Add the packaged integration to the list of extensions in global.extensions in your custom_values.yaml deployment file, as shown in the template in Listing 3.8.

    Listing 3.8 Add packaged integration to deployment file#
        - name: "my-packaged-integration"
            registry: "artifacts.example.com"
            repository: "PATH_TO_REPOSITORY"
            imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
            tag: "1.1.10"
  2. To apply the changes to your Nubus release, run the commands in Listing 3.9.

    Listing 3.9 Apply customization to Nubus#
    $ export NAMESPACE_FOR_NUBUS="Set to your Kubernetes namespace"
    $ export RELEASE_NAME="The Helm Chart release name"
    $ export VERSION="Your version of Nubus"
    $ helm upgrade \
       "$RELEASE_NAME" \
       --namespace="$NAMESPACE_FOR_NUBUS" \
       oci://artifacts.software-univention.de/nubus/charts/nubus \
       --values custom_values.yaml \
       --version "$VERSION"