Univention Directory Manager (UDM)

7. Univention Directory Manager (UDM)#

The Univention Directory Manager (UDM) is a wrapper for LDAP objects. Traditionally, LDAP stores objects as a collection of attributes, which are defines by so called schemata. Modifying entries is slightly complicated, as there are no high-level operations to add or remove values from multi-valued attributes, or to keep the password used by different authentication schemes such as Windows NTLM-hashes, Unix MD5 hashes, or Kerberos tickets in sync.

The command line client udm provides different modes of operation.

udm [--binddn bind-dn --bindpwd bind-password] [module] [mode] [options]

Creating object

udm module create --set property=value

$ eval "$(ucr shell)"
$ udm container/ou create --position "$ldap_base" --set name="xxx"

Multiple --sets may be used to set the values of a multi-valued property.

The equivalent LDAP command would look like this:

$ eval "$(ucr shell)"
$ ldapadd -D "cn=admin,$ldap_base" -y /etc/ldap.secret <<__EOT__
dn: uid=xxx,$ldap_base
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: xxx
List object

udm module list [--dn dn | --filter property=value]

$ udm container/ou list --filter name="xxx"
$ univention-ldapsearch cn=xxx
Modify object

udm module modify [--dn dn | --filter property=value] [--set property=value | --append property=value | --remove property=value …]

$ udm container/ou modify --dn "cn=xxx,$ldap_base" --set name="xxx"

For multi-valued attributes --append and --remove can be used to add additional values or remove existing values. --set overwrites any previous value, but can also be used multiple times to specify further values. --set and --append should not be mixed for any property in one invocation.

Delete object

udm module remove [--dn dn | --filter property=value]

$ udm container/ou delete --dn "cn=xxx,$ldap_base"

If --filter is used, it must match exactly one object. Otherwise udm refuses to delete any object.

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