7.3. Package extended attributes#

Each UDM module provides a set of mappings from LDAP attributes to properties. This set is not complete, because LDAP objects can be extended with additional auxiliary objectClasses. Extended Attributes can be used to extend modules to show additional properties. These properties can be mapped to any already defined LDAP attribute, but objects can also be extended by adding additional auxiliary object classes, which can provide new attributes.

For packing purpose any additional LDAP schema needs to be registered on the Primary Directory Node, which is replicated from there to all other domain controllers through the Listener/Notifier mechanism (see Univention Directory Listener). This is best done trough a separate schema package, which should be installed on the Primary Directory Node and Backup Directory Node. Since Extended Attributes are declared in LDAP, the commands to create them can be put into any join script (see Domain join). To be convenient, the declaration should be also included with the schema package, since installing it there does not require the Administrator to provide additional LDAP credentials.

An Extended Attribute is created by using the UDM command line interface univention-directory-manager or its alias udm. The module is called settings/extended_attribute. Extended Attributes can be stored anywhere in the LDAP, but the default location would be cn=custom attributes,cn=univention, below the LDAP base. Since the join script creating the attribute may be called on multiple hosts, it is a good idea to add the --ignore_exists option, which suppresses the error exit code in case the object already exists in LDAP.

The module settings/extended_attribute requires many parameters. They are described in Expansion of UMC modules with extended attributes in Univention Corporate Server - Manual for users and administrators [2].

name (required)

Name of the attribute.

CLIName (required)

An alternative name for the command line version of UDM.

shortDescription (required)

Default short description.

translationShortDescription (optional, multiple)

Translation of short description.

longDescription (required)

Default long description.

translationLongDescription (optional, multiple)

Translation of long description.

objectClass (required)

The name of an LDAP object class which is added to store this property.

deleteObjectClass (optional)

Remove the object class when the property is unset.

ldapMapping (required)

The name of the LDAP attribute the property matches to.

syntax (optional)

A syntax class, which also controls the visual representation in UDM. Defaults to string.

default (optional)

The default value is used when a new UDM object is created.

valueRequired (optional)

A value must be entered for the property.

multivalue (optional)

Controls if only a single value or multiple values can be entered. This must be in sync with the SINGLE-VALUE setting of the attribute in the LDAP schema.

mayChange (optional)

The property may be modified later.

notEditable (optional)

Disable all modification of the property, even when the object is first created. The property is only modified through hooks.

copyable (optional)

Copy the value of the property when the entry is cloned.

hook (optional)

The name of a Python class implementing hook functions. See Extended attribute hooks for more information.

doNotSearch (optional)

If this is enabled, the property is not show in the drop-down list of properties when searching for UDM objects.

tabName (optional)

The name of the tab in the UMC where the property should be displayed. The name of existing tabs can be copied from UMC session with the English locale. A new tab is automatically created for new names.

translationTabName (optional, multiple)

Translation of tab name.

tabPosition (optional)

This setting is only relevant, when a new tab is created by using a tabName, for which no tab exists. The integer value defines the position where the newly tab is inserted. By default the newly created tab is appended at the end, but before the Extended settings tab.

overwriteTab (optional)

If enabled, the tab declared by the UDM module with the name from the tabName settings is replaces by a new clean tab with only the properties defined by Extended Attributes.

tabAdvanced (optional)

If this setting is enabled, the tab is created inside the Extended settings tab instead of being a tab by its own.

groupName (optional)

The name of the group inside a tab where the property should be displayed. The name of existing groups can be copied from UMC session with the English locale. A new tab is automatically created for new names. If no name is given, the property is placed before the first tab.

translationGroupName (optional, multiple)

Translation of group name.

groupPosition (optional)

This setting is only relevant, when a new group is created by using a groupName, for which no group exists. The integer value defines the position where the newly group is inserted. By default the newly created group is appended at the end.

overwritePosition (optional)

The name of an existing property this property wants to overwrite.

preventUmcDefaultPopup (optional)

If this setting is enabled, the pop-up that is shown when the default value automatically in UMC is suppressed.

disableUDMWeb (optional)

Disables showing this property in the UMC.

fullWidth (optional)

The widget for the property should span both columns.

module (required, multiple)

A list of module names where this Extended Attribute should be added to.

options (required, multiple)

A list of options, which enable this Extended Attribute.

version (required)

The version of the Extended Attribute format. The current version is 2.


Create the Extended Attribute first through UMC-UDM. Modify it until you’re satisfied. Only then dump it using udm settings/extended_attribute list and convert the output to an equivalent shell script creating it.

The following example provides a simple LDAP schema called extended-attribute.schema, which declares one object class univentionExamplesUdmOC and one attribute univentionExamplesUdmAttribute.

Listing 7.1 Extended Attribute for custom LDAP schema#
#objectIdentifier univention
#objectIdentifier univentionCustomers univention:99999
#objectIdentifier univentionExamples univentionCustomers:0
objectIdentifier univentionExamples
objectIdentifier univentionExmaplesUdm univentionExamples:1
objectIdentifier univentionExmaplesUdmAttributeType univentionExmaplesUdm:1
objectIdentifier univentionExmaplesUdmObjectClass univentionExmaplesUdm:2

attributetype ( univentionExmaplesUdmAttributeType:1
     NAME 'univentionExamplesUdmAttribute'
     DESC 'An example attribute for UDM'
     EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
     SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch

objectClass ( univentionExmaplesUdmObjectClass:1
     NAME 'univentionExamplesUdmOC'
     DESC 'An example object class for UDM'
     SUP top
     MUST ( univentionExamplesUdmAttribute )

The schema is shipped as /usr/share/extended-attribute/extended-attribute.schema and installed by calling ucs_registerLDAPExtension from the join-script 50extended-attribute.inst.


## joinscript api: bindpwdfile

. /usr/share/univention-join/joinscripthelper.lib
. /usr/share/univention-lib/ldap.sh

# register LDAP schema for new extended attribute
ucs_registerLDAPExtension "$@" \
    --schema /usr/share/extended-attribute/extended-attribute.schema

# Register new service entry for this host
eval "$(ucr shell)"
udm settings/extended_attribute create "$@" --ignore_exists \
    --position "cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,$ldap_base" \
    --set name="My Attribute" \
    --set CLIName="myAttribute" \
    --set shortDescription="Example attribute" \
    --append translationShortDescription='"de_DE" "Beispielattribut"' \
    --append translationShortDescription='"fr_FR" "Exemple d’attribut"' \
    --set longDescription="An example attribute" \
    --append translationLongDescription='"de_DE" "Ein Beispielattribut"' \
    --append translationLongDescription='"fr_FR" "Un exemple d’attribut"' \
    --set tabAdvanced=1 \
    --set tabName="Examples" \
    --append translationTabName='"de_DE" "Beispiele"' \
    --append translationTabName='"fr_FR" "Exemples"' \
    --set tabPosition=1 \
    --set module="groups/group" \
    --set module="computers/memberserver" \
    --set syntax=string \
    --set default="Lorem ipsum" \
    --set multivalue=0 \
    --set valueRequired=0 \
    --set mayChange=1 \
    --set doNotSearch=1 \
    --set objectClass=univentionExamplesUdmOC \
    --set ldapMapping=univentionExamplesUdmAttribute \
    --set deleteObjectClass=0
    # --set overwritePosition=
    # --set overwriteTab=
    # --set hook=
    # --set options=

# Terminate UDM server to force module reload
. /usr/share/univention-lib/base.sh

exit 0

This example is deliberately missing an unjoin-script (see Writing unjoin scripts) to keep this example simple. It should check if the Extended Attribute is no longer used in the domain and then remove it.

7.3.1. Selection lists#

Sometimes an Extended Attribute should show a list of options to choose from. This list can either be static or dynamic. After defining such a new syntax it can be used by referencing its name in the syntax property of an Extended Attribute. Static selections#

The static list of available selections is defined once and can not be modified interactively through UMC. Such a list is best implemented though a custom syntax class. As the implementation must be available on all system roles, the new syntax is best registered in LDAP. This can be done by using ucs_registerLDAPExtension which is described in join.sh.

As an alternative the file can be put into the directories /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/univention/admin/syntax.d/ and /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/admin/syntax.d/.

The following example is comparable to the default example in file /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/admin/syntax.d/example.py:

class StaticSelection(select):
    choices = [
        ('value1', 'Description for selection 1'),
        ('value2', 'Description for selection 2'),
        ('value3', 'Description for selection 3'),
    ] Dynamic selections#

A dynamic list is implemented as an LDAP search, which is described in UDM LDAP search. For performance reason it is recommended to implement a class derived from UDM_Attribute or UDM_Objects instead of using LDAP_Search. The file /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/admin/syntax.py contains several examples.

The idea is to create a container with sub-entries for each selection. This following listing declares a new syntax class for selecting a profession level.

Listing 7.2 Dynamic selection list for Extended Attributes#
class DynamicSelection(UDM_Objects):
    udm_modules = ('container/cn',)
    udm_filter = '(&(objectClass=organizationalRole)(ou:dn:=DynamicSelection))'
    simple = True  # only one value is selected
    empty_value = True  # allow selecting nothing
    key = '%(name)s'  # this is stored
    label = '%(description)s'  # this is displayed
    regex = None  # no validation in frontend
    error_message = 'Invalid value'

The Python code should be put into a file named DynamicSelection.py. The following code registers this new syntax in LDAP and adds some values. It also creates an Extended Attribute for user objects using this syntax.

$ syntax='DynamicSelection'
$ base="cn=univention,$(ucr get ldap/base)"

$ udm container/ou create \
  --position "$base" \
  --set name="$syntax" \
  --set description='UCS profession level'
$ dn="ou=$syntax,$base"

$ udm container/cn create \
  --position "$dn" \
  --set name="value1" \
  --set description='UCS Guru (> 5)'

$ udm container/cn create \
  --position "$dn" \
  --set name="value2" \
  --set description='UCS Regular (1..5)'

$ udm container/cn create \
  --position "$dn" \
  --set name="value3" \
  --set description='UCS Beginner (< 1)'

$ udm container/cn create \
  --ignore_exists \
  --position "$base" \
  --set name='udm_syntax'
$ dn="cn=udm_syntax,$base"

$ udm settings/udm_syntax create \
  --position "$dn" \
  --set name="$syntax" \
  --set filename="DynamicSelection.py" \
  --set data="$(bzip2 <DynamicSelection.py | base64)" \
  --set package="$syntax" \
  --set packageversion="1"

$ udm settings/extended_attribute create \
  --position "cn=custom attributes,$base" \
  --set name='Profession' \
  --set module='users/user' \
  --set tabName='General' \
  --set translationTabName='"de_DE" "Allgemein"' \
  --set groupName='Personal information' \
  --set translationGroupName='"de_DE" "Persönliche Informationen"' \
  --set shortDescription='UCS profession level' \
  --set translationShortDescription='"de_DE" "UCS Erfahrung"' \
  --set longDescription='Select a level of UCS experience' \
  --set translationLongDescription='"de_DE" "Wählen Sie den Level der Erfahrung mit UCS"' \
  --set objectClass='univentionFreeAttributes' \
  --set ldapMapping='univentionFreeAttribute1' \
  --set syntax="$syntax" \
  --set mayChange=1 \
  --set valueRequired=0

7.3.2. Known issues#

  • The tabName and groupName values must exactly match the values already used in the modules. If they do not match, a new tab or group is added. This also applies to the translation: They must match the already translated strings and must be repeated for every Extended Attribute again and again. The untranslated strings are best extracted directly from the Python source code of the modules in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/admin/handlers/*/*.py. For the translated strings run msgunfmt /usr/share/locale/$language-code/LC_MESSAGES/univention-admin*.mo.

  • The overwritePosition values must exactly match the name of an already defined property. Otherwise UDM will crash.

  • Extended Attributes may be removed, when matching data is still stored in LDAP. The schema on the other hand must only be removed when all matching data is removed. Otherwise the server slapd will fail to start.

  • Removing objectClasses from LDAP objects must be done manually. Currently UDM does not provide any functionality to remove unneeded object classes or methods to force-remove an object class including all attributes, for which the object class is required.

7.3.3. Extended options#

UDM properties can be enabled and disabled through options. For example, all properties of a user related to Samba can be switched on or off to reduce the settings shown to an administrator. If many Extended Attributes are added to a UDM module, it might proof necessary to also create new options. Options are per UDM module.

Similar to Extended Attributes an Extended Option is created by using the UDM command line interface univention-directory-manager or its alias udm. The module is called settings/extended_options. Extended Options can be stored anywhere in the LDAP, but the default location would be cn=custom attributes,cn=univention, below the LDAP base. Since the join script creating the option may be called on multiple hosts, it is a good idea to add the --ignore_exists option, which suppresses the error exit code in case the object already exists in LDAP.

The module settings/extended_options has the following properties:

name (required)

Name of the option.

shortDescription (required)

Default short description.

translationShortDescription (optional, multiple)

Translation of short description.

longDescription (required)

Default long description.

translationLongDescription (optional, multiple)

Translation of long description.

default (optional)

Enable the option by default.

editable (optional)

Option may be repeatedly turned on and off.

module (required, multiple)

A list of module names where this Extended Option should be added to.

objectClass (optional, multiple)

A list of LDAP object classes, which when found, enable this option.

Listing 7.3 Extended Option#
$ eval "$(ucr shell)"
$ udm settings/extended_options create "$@" --ignore_exists \
  --position "cn=custom attributes,cn=univention,$ldap_base" \
  --set name="My Option" \
  --set shortDescription="Example option" \
  --set translationShortDescription='"de_DE" "Beispieloption"' \
  --set longDescription="An example option" \
  --set translationLongDescription='"de_DE" "Eine Beispieloption"' \
  --set default=0 \
  --set editable=0 \
  --set module="users/user" \
  --set objectClass=univentionExamplesUdmOC

7.3.4. Extended attribute hooks#

Hooks provide a mechanism to pre- and post-process the values of Extended Attributes. Normally, UDM properties are stored as-is in LDAP attributes. Hooks can modify the LDAP operations when an object is created, modified, deleted or retrieved. They are implemented in Python and the file must be placed in the directory /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/univention/admin/hooks.d/ and /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/admin/hooks.d/. The filename must end with .py.

The module univention.admin.hook provides the class simpleHook, which implements all required hook functions. By default they don’t modify any request, but do log all calls. This class should be used as a base class for inheritance.

class univention.admin.hook.simpleHook#

obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called by the default open() handler just before the current state of all properties is saved.


obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called before a UDM object is created. It is called after the module validated all properties, but before the add-list is created.

hook_ldap_addlist(obj, al: AddList = [])#
  • obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

  • al (AddList) –

Return type:


This method is called before a UDM object is created. It gets passed a list of two-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-values), which will be used to create the LDAP object. The method must return the (modified) list. Notice that hook_ldap_modlist() will also be called next.


obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called after the object was created in LDAP.


obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called before a UDM object is modified. It is called after the module validated all properties, but before the modification-list is created.

hook_ldap_modlist(obj, ml: ModList = [])#
  • obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

  • ml (ModList) –

Return type:


This method is called before a UDM object is created or modified. It gets passed a list of tuples, which are either two-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-new-values) or three-tuples (ldap-attribute-name, list-of-old-values, list-of-new-values). It will be used to create or modify the LDAP object. The method must return the (modified) list.


obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called before a UDM object is removed.


obj (univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap) –

Return type:


This method is called after the object was removed from LDAP.

The following example implements a hook, which removes the object-class univentionFreeAttributes, if the property isSampleUser is no longer set.

from univention.admin.hook import simpleHook

class RemoveObjClassUnused(simpleHook):
    type = 'RemoveObjClassUnused'

    def hook_ldap_post_modify(self, obj):
        """Remove unused objectClass."""
        ext_attr_name = 'isSampleUser'
        class_name = 'univentionFreeAttributes'

        if obj.oldinfo.get(ext_attr_name) in ('1',) and \
                obj.info.get(ext_attr_name) in ('0', None):
            if class_name in obj.oldattr.get('objectClass', []):
                    [('objectClass', class_name, '')])

After installing the file, the hook can be activated by setting the hook property of an Extended Attribute to RemoveObjClassUnused:

$ udm settings/extended_attribute modify \
  --dn ... \
  --set hook=RemoveObjClassUnused