Web services

9. Web services#

9.1. Extending the overview page#

When users open http://localhost/ or http://hostname/ in a browser, they are redirected to the UCS overview page.

Depending on the preferred language negotiated by the web browser the user is either redirected to the German or English version. The overview page is split between Installed web services and Administration entries.

The start page can be extended using Univention Configuration Registry variables. PACKAGE refers to a unique identifier, typically the name of the package shipping the extensions to the overview page. The configurable options are explained below:

  • ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/PACKAGE/OPTION variables extend the administrative section.

  • ucs/web/overview/entries/service/PACKAGE/OPTION variables extend the web services section.

To configure an extension of the overview page the following options must/can be set using the pattern ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/PACKAGE/OPTION=*VALUE* (and likewise for services).


defines a link to a URL representing the service (usually a web interface).


specifies a title for an overview entry. The title can also be translated; for example label/de can be used for a title in German.


configures a longer description of an overview entry. The description can also be translated; for example description/de can be used for a description in German. Should not exceed 60 characters, because of space limitations of the rendered box.


Optionally an icon can be displayed. Using icon, either a filename or a URI can be provided. When specifying a filename, the name must be relative to the directory /var/www, that is with a leading ‘/’. All file formats typically displayed by browsers can be used (for example PNG/JPG). All icons must be scaled to 50x50 pixels.


The display order can be specified using priority. Depending on the values the entries are displayed in lexicographical order (i.e. 100 < 50).