OX Connector app documentation

OX Connector app documentation#

Welcome to the documentation about the OX Connector app. The app installs a connector to provision selected users and groups to a remote OX App Suite installation through the OX SOAP API. The app doesn’t install OX App Suite to UCS.

This document addresses system administrators, who:

  • operate UCS and OX App Suite.

  • want to centrally manage users and groups in UCS.

  • want to provision permitted users to OX App Suite.

This document covers the following topics:

  1. Installation about prerequisites and how to install with web browser and command-line.

  2. Configuration with a reference list about the app settings of the OX Connector app.

  3. Architecture of the app, how the connector works and the connector cache.

  4. Limitations of the app.

  5. Troubleshooting about log files, health check, queuing and rebuild the cache.

  6. Changelog about what changed in the different app versions.

Additionally an Index: List of words and associated pointers to the content.

This document doesn’t cover the following topics:

  • Installation, setup and usage of OX App Suite, see App Suite Admin Guide 7.10.5 [1].

  • Installation, setup and usage of UCS, see UCS 5.0 Manual [2].

To understand this document, you need to know the following concepts and tasks:

Your feedback is welcome and highly appreciated. If you have comments, suggestions, or criticism, please send your feedback for document improvement.