5. Connection with Identity Management#

One of the key features of UCS is the integrated identity management (IDM). With this central identity management, users benefit, among other things, from a single login independent of which services or systems they use. It’s highly recommended to integrate the app into the identity management system.

If the app should benefit from the identity management, the flag The administrator needs to enable users for the app should be activated in the App Provider Portal on the Identity management tab under the User rights management section. This extends the IDM by a checkbox and an administrator of the UCS system can activate or deactivate each user individually for the app. The setting can then be found in the Users UMC module and is called Apps. It’s also possible to make significantly more complex settings. See User rights management for more details.

5.1. Provisioning#

There are different ways in which applications can access provisioning information. The following describes a pull and push-based procedure.

5.1.1. Automatically via LDAP connection (Pull)#

UCS stores the user and group information in an OpenLDAP based directory. Thus, the default information can be accessed via the LDAP protocol. Objects are identified by an LDAP filter. The following filter can be used to search for users (univentionObjectType=users/user) and for groups the filter (univentionObjectType=groups/group) can be used.

If the user activation is used (The administrator needs to enable users for the app), the following LDAP filter can be used: (&(univentionObjectType=users/user)(myappActivated=TRUE)). The string myapp has to be replaced with the appid.

The parameters for the LDAP server can be read from the environment variables:


The fully-qualified host name of the OpenLDAP server the app may connect to.


The port of the OpenLDAP server the app may connect to.


A list of alternative OpenLDAP servers. These values should be used for failover.


The base for the whole LDAP database, e.g., dc=mydomain,dc=intranet or o=mydomain <o=mydomain>.


As a rule, the LDAP base should not be further restricted. Many environments store users below cn=users <cn=users> but this is not the case in all environments.

By default, the OpenLDAP server in UCS doesn’t allow anonymous connections. For every app a user account is created. The account has read access to the LDAP directory. The username is passed as the environment variable LDAP_HOSTDN. The password is written in the file /etc/machine.secret. The credentials are not changed when an app is upgraded. But they change if an app is reinstalled.

5.1.2. Automatically via IDM notifications (Push)#

An app can be notified by the IDM system when users or groups are created, modified or deleted. For each change, a file is created in a specific directory. The app can either poll the directory or register a command that is executed when a file is created. Setup in App configuration#

The configuration for these IDM notifications can be done on the Identity management tab in the Provisioning section in the App Provider Portal. It can be configured which object types are watched. Currently, users and groups are supported.

A script should be specified in the App Provider Portal. The script is copied from the App Center into the Docker container and executed in the context of the container there. If a script is already part of the container, this script can be called accordingly, e.g.

exec /usr/sbin/app-connector How the mechanism works#

The JSON files are created in the directory /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/appid/data/listener/. As soon as any attribute of the watched object types is changed a JSON file is created in the directory. The script is called in a defined and configurable interval by the App Center, if at least one JSON file has been written. Once the script has finished a JSON file, the script must delete the JSON file.

New in version 5.0-3: ListenerUDMVersion

ListenerUDMVersion is a custom configuration for an app. It defines the format version, that the listener uses to pass data from UDM to the app. Possible values are 1 and 2. If ListenerUDMVersion isn’t defined as custom configuration in the app metadata, the listener uses version 2.

Univention recommends to use ListenerUDMVersion 2, because it uses the UDM HTTP REST API representation.

Configuration in App Provider Portal

To set ListenerUDMVersion in the App Provider Portal, open the app of interest and navigate to Advanced ‣ Custom configuration. Add a new custom configuration with the key ListenerUDMVersion.

Migration to ListenerUDMVersion 2

For using version 2, app developers need to compare what data they process and how they handle the representation. In best case, they don’t need to adjust the listener integration.

All files are JSON with one dictionary and the following content. You find logging information about the listener in /var/log/univention/listener_modules/appid.log.


A unique identifier for the object holding the value of entry_uuid attribute of the LDAP object. It does not change even if the object is moved. The script certainly wants to identify objects by this attribute.


The distinguished name of the LDAP object.


The type of the object, for example users/user, or groups/group.


A dictionary of the attributes of this object. If object is null, the object was deleted.

The listener passes the data in the UDM HTTP REST API representation to the object dictionary.

For example, refer to JSON example for ListenerUDMVersion 2.

The listener passes the data in the UDM representation to the object dictionary. The representation uses strings for boolean values such as "OK", "1", "0", "TRUE", or "FALSE".

For example, refer to JSON example for ListenerUDMVersion 1. What should the script cover?#

  • The mechanism does not filter the data. Every change will be saved in JSON files. If only a subset of users, e.g. a certain user type like students, shall be processed, the script should filter on it and only continue with the relevant data.

  • UCS can re-synchronize a listener. In this case, each and every object appears once again as a JSON file. The script needs to cover the case where no real modification to the object has been made.

  • The script has to exit with exit code = 0 on success and != 0 on failure.

  • The script has to delete the JSON file that has already been processed. If the files are not deleted, the script should detect duplicates and make sure to handle the same change accordingly.

  • If a mapping between the id of the JSON file and the primary user key in the solutions database is not possible, consider maintaining a mapping table by the script, if necessary. The id is the only attribute that remains the same for an object.

  • It may happen that the same id appears twice in the set of JSON files. This means that multiple modifications on the object have been made since the last time your script processed the object. JSON example#

This is an example of a JSON file for a user change. It’s not complete, but should clarify the idea. JSON example for ListenerUDMVersion 2#
    "dn": "uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
    "id": "b2f13544-e3cb-1037-810e-23ad4765aade",
    "properties": {
        "accountActivationDate": {
            "activation-date": null,
            "activation-time": null,
            "activation-timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
        "birthday": null,
        "city": null,
        "country": null,
        "departmentNumber": [],
        "description": null,
        "disabled": false,
        "displayName": "Administrator",
        "e-mail": [],
        "employeeNumber": null,
        "employeeType": null,
        "firstname": null,
        "gecos": "Administrator",
        "gidNumber": 5000,
        "groups": [
            "cn=Domain Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=Domain Users,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=DC Backup Hosts,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de"
        "homePostalAddress": [],
        "homeShare": null,
        "homeSharePath": "Administrator",
        "homeTelephoneNumber": [],
        "homedrive": null,
        "initials": null,
        "jpegPhoto": null,
        "lastbind": null,
        "lastname": "Administrator",
        "locked": false,
        "lockedTime": "0",
        "mailAlternativeAddress": [],
        "mailForwardAddress": [],
        "mailForwardCopyToSelf": "0",
        "mailHomeServer": null,
        "mailPrimaryAddress": null,
        "mobileTelephoneNumber": [],
        "objectFlag": [
        "organisation": null,
        "overridePWHistory": null,
        "overridePWLength": null,
        "pagerTelephoneNumber": [],
        "password": null,
        "passwordexpiry": null,
        "phone": [],
        "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
        "postOfficeBox": [],
        "postcode": null,
        "preferredDeliveryMethod": null,
        "preferredLanguage": null,
        "primaryGroup": "cn=Domain Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
        "profilepath": null,
        "pwdChangeNextLogin": null,
        "roomNumber": [],
        "sambaLogonHours": null,
        "sambaPrivileges": [],
        "sambaRID": 500,
        "sambaUserWorkstations": [],
        "sambahome": null,
        "scriptpath": null,
        "secretary": [],
        "serviceprovider": [],
        "shell": "/bin/bash",
        "street": null,
        "title": null,
        "uidNumber": 2002,
        "umcProperty": {
            "appcenterSeen": "false",
            "udmUserGridView": "tile"
        "unixhome": "/home/Administrator",
        "unlock": false,
        "unlockTime": "",
        "userexpiry": null,
        "username": "Administrator"
    "udm_object_type": "users/user"
} JSON example for ListenerUDMVersion 1#
    "dn": "uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
    "id": "b2f13544-e3cb-1037-810e-23ad4765aade",
    "object": {
        "description": "Built-in account for administering the computer/domain",
        "disabled": "0",
        "displayName": "Administrator",
        "gecos": "Administrator",
        "gidNumber": "5000",
        "groups": [
            "cn=Domain Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=Domain Users,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=DC Backup Hosts,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=Schema Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=Enterprise Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
            "cn=Group Policy Creator Owners,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
        "lastname": "Administrator",
        "locked": "0",
        "lockedTime": "0",
        "mailForwardCopyToSelf": "0",
        "mailPrimaryAddress": "admin@sparka-43.intranet",
        "mailUserQuota": "0",
        "passwordexpiry": null,
        "primaryGroup": "cn=Domain Admins,cn=groups,dc=demo,dc=univention,dc=de",
        "sambaRID": "500",
        "shell": "/bin/bash",
        "uidNumber": "2002",
        "umcProperty": [
        "unixhome": "/home/Administrator",
        "unlockTime": "",
        "userexpiry": null,
        "username": "Administrator",
        "webweaverActivated": "TRUE"
    "udm_object_type": "users/user"

5.2. Authentication#

There are different ways in which applications can authenticate against the UCS identity management system.

5.2.1. LDAP#

UCS stores the user and group information in an OpenLDAP based directory. Thus, the default information can be accessed via the LDAP protocol. Objects are identified by an LDAP filter. The following filter can be used to search for users (univentionObjectType=users/user) and for groups the filter (univentionObjectType=groups/group) can be used.

If the user activation is used (The administrator needs to enable users for the app), the following LDAP filter can be used: (&(univentionObjectType=users/user)(myappActivated=TRUE)). The string myapp has to be replaced with the appid.

The parameters for the LDAP server can be read from the environment variables:


The fully-qualified host name of the OpenLDAP server the app may connect to.


The port of the OpenLDAP server the app may connect to.


A list of alternative OpenLDAP servers. These values should be used for failover.


The base for the whole LDAP database, e.g., dc=mydomain,dc=intranet or o=mydomain <o=mydomain>.


As a rule, the LDAP basis should not be further restricted. Many environments store users below cn=users <cn=users> but this is not the case in all environments.

By default, the OpenLDAP server in UCS does not allow anonymous authentications. For every app a user account is created. The account has read access to the LDAP directory. The username is passed as the environment variable LDAP_HOSTDN. The password is written in the file /etc/machine.secret. The credentials are not changed when an app is upgraded. But they change if an app is reinstalled.

5.2.2. Kerberos#

UCS integrates a Kerberos server by default. As usual with Kerberos, the data for the Kerberos configuration can be obtained from DNS. By default, the DNS domain name is passed through the DOMAINNAME environment variable. The following settings can then be queried via DNS:

Kerberos Realm

It can be queried by the TXT record \_kerberos.DOMAINNAME.

Kerberos KDC

It can be queried by the SRV records \_kerberos._tcp.DOMAINNAME and \_kerberos._udp.DOMAINNAME.

5.3. User rights management#

The flag The administrator needs to enable users for the app can be activated in the App Provider Portal on the Identity management tab in the User rights management section. This adds a checkbox to the user administration and a schema extension for the IDM is created, so that the status of the checkbox is stored in an attribute in the IDM. This allows each user to be activated or deactivated separately.

If the app requires more settings in the IDM, an own LDAP schema can be uploaded into the App Provider Portal on the Identity management tab in the User rights management section in the field Schema extension for LDAP.

In this case, it’s also possible to create individual extended attributes during the setup process. This should be done in the join script. Further information on extended attributes can be found in the Univention Developer Reference.