4.1. Services using SAML#

The following examples demonstrate the migration of services that use SAML for authentication and SimpleSAMLphp as IdP to Keycloak as IdP.

4.1.1. UCS Portal#

You can configure the UCS Portal to use SAML for authentication. For a detailed description of how to configure the UCS Portal to use Keycloak as a SAML IDP, refer to Use Keycloak for login to UCS Portal in the Univention Keycloak app documentation [1].

4.1.2. Nextcloud#

This section is about migrating the Nextcloud app to use Keycloak as SAML IDP for the SAML authentication. It assumes that your environment meets the following requirements:

  • The configuration of the app Nextcloud is complete and done.

  • The SAML sign-in for Nextcloud works with SimpleSAMLphp as SAML IDP.

  • The UCS domain has the latest version of the app Keycloak installed.

To setup Nextcloud for SAML with Keycloak, use the following steps:

  1. To create a SAML client for Nextcloud, run the following commands on the UCS system that has the Keycloak app installed. Replace NEXTCLOUD_FQDN with the FQDN of the UCS system that has Nextcloud installed.

    Listing 4.1 Create SAML client for Nextcloud in Keycloak#
    $ univention-keycloak saml/sp create \
      --metadata-url="https://$NEXTCLOUD_FQDN/nextcloud/apps/user_saml/saml/metadata" \
  2. To obtain the Keycloak base URL and certificate, run the following commands on the UCS system that has Keycloak installed:

    Listing 4.2 Retrieve public certificate of Keycloak#
    $ univention-keycloak saml/idp/cert get \
       --as-pem \
       --output "/tmp/keycloak.cert"

    The output of the command in Listing 4.2 saves the certificate in the file /tmp/keycloak.cert. Copy this file to the UCS system that has the Nextcloud app installed.

    Listing 4.3 Retrieve public certificate and Keycloak base URL#
    $ univention-keycloak get-keycloak-base-url

    The command in Listing 4.3 outputs the base URL of your Keycloak server. Replace SSO_URL in the following instruction with this value.

  3. To change the IdP settings for Nextcloud, run the following commands on the UCS system that has it installed. Copy the certificate file /tmp/keycloak.cert from Listing 4.2 to the UCS system with Nextcloud installed and replace SSO_URL.

    Listing 4.4 Configure the Nextcloud app to use Keycloak as IdP#
    $ univention-app shell nextcloud sudo -u www-data /var/www/html/occ saml:config:set \
      --idp-x509cert="$(cat /tmp/keycloak.cert)" \
      --general-uid_mapping="uid" \
      --idp-singleLogoutService.url="$SSO_URL/realms/ucs/protocol/saml" \
      --idp-singleSignOnService.url="$SSO_URL/realms/ucs/protocol/saml" \
      --idp-entityId="$SSO_URL/realms/ucs" 1

To validate the setup, visit the sign-in page of your Nextcloud app and initiate a single sign-on. Nextcloud redirects you to Keycloak for authentication. You can use Nextcloud after authentication.

See also


in Univention App Catalog

4.1.3. Google Workspace Connector#

This section provides a step-by-step guide for migrating the Google Connector app to use Keycloak as SAML IDP. The migration assumes that your environment meets the following requirements:

  • The configuration of the app Google Workspace Connector is complete and done.

  • The SAML login for your Google Workspace works with SimpleSAMLphp.

  • You have the administrator credentials for your Google Workspace Admin Console for the SAML service configuration.

  • The UCS domain has the latest version of the app Keycloak installed.

To setup Google Workspace Connector for SAML with Keycloak use the following steps:

  1. Create a SAML SP, the client, for Google Workspace Connector in Keycloak. Run the following commands on the UCS system that has Keycloak installed:

    Listing 4.5 Create SAML client for Google Workspace Connector in Keycloak#
    $ univention-keycloak saml/sp create \
        --client-id google.com \
        --assertion-consumer-url-post "https://www.google.com/a/$google_domain/acs" \
        --single-logout-service-url-post "https://www.google.com/a/$google_domain/acs" \
        --idp-initiated-sso-url-name google.com \
        --name-id-format email \
    $ univention-keycloak user-attribute-ldap-mapper \
      create univentionGoogleAppsPrimaryEmail
    $ univention-keycloak saml-client-nameid-mapper create \
      google.com \
      univentionGoogleAppsPrimaryEmail \
      --user-attribute univentionGoogleAppsPrimaryEmail \
      --mapper-nameid-format urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
  2. For the configuration of the SAML settings of your Google Workspace you need the public certificate and the base URL of the Keycloak server. Run the following commands on the UCS system that has Keycloak installed:

    Listing 4.6 Retrieve public certificate and Keycloak base URL#
    $ univention-keycloak saml/idp/cert get --as-pem --output /tmp/keycloak.cert

    The output of the command in Listing 4.6 is the certificate. Copy the file /tmp/keycloak.cert to your local client computer.

    Listing 4.7 Retrieve public certificate and Keycloak base URL#
    $ univention-keycloak get-keycloak-base-url

    The command in Listing 4.7 outputs the base URL of your Keycloak server. Replace SSO_URL in the following instruction with this value.

  3. Change the Third-party SSO profile for your organisation settings in the Google Workspace Admin console of your google domain.

    1. Open the URL https://admin.google.com and login with your administrator account.

    2. Go to Security ‣ Authentication ‣ SSO with third-party IdP.

    3. Open Third-party SSO profile for your organisation.

    4. Change Sign-in page URL to SSO_URL/realms/ucs/protocol/saml.

    5. Change Sign-out page URL to SSO_URL/realms/ucs/protocol/openid-connect/logout.

    6. To upload the Keycloak certificate in /tmp/kc.cert from Listing 4.6, click REPLACE CERTIFICATE.

    7. To activate the settings, click Save.

  4. Change the link in the UCS portal entry Google Workspace login for the IdP initiated single sign-on. On your UCS Primary Directory Node run the following commands:

    Listing 4.8 Change portal entry for Google Workspace login to IdP initiated single sign-on#
    $ udm portals/entry modify \
      --dn "cn=SP,cn=entry,cn=portals,cn=univention,$(ucr get ldap/base)" \
      --set link='"en_US" "'"$SSO_URL"'/realms/ucs/protocol/saml/clients/google.com?RelayState=https://www.google.com/a/'"$google_domain"'/ServiceLogin"'

To validate the setup, visit https://google.com and sign in with one of the UCS user accounts enabled for Google Workspace. Also, verify the UCS portal entry Google Workspace login for the IdP initiated single sign-on.


The automatic redirect after the single sign-out doesn’t work with Keycloak.

See also

Google Workspace Connector

in Univention App Catalog

4.1.4. Microsoft 365 Connector#

The example illustrates how to migrate the app Microsoft 365 Connector to use Keycloak as SAML IDP. It assumes that your environment meets the following requirements:

  • The configuration of the app Microsoft 365 Connector is complete and done.

  • The SAML login for your Azure Active Directory domain works with SimpleSAMLphp.

  • You have a client computer with Microsoft Windows installed on it and a working internet connection on the client computer to configure SAML in Azure Active Directory.

  • You have the Administrator credentials for your Azure Active Directory domain for the SAML service configuration.

  • The UCS domain has the latest version of the app Keycloak installed.

To setup Microsoft 365 Connector for SAML with Keycloak, use the following steps:

  1. Create a SAML SP, the client, for Microsoft 365 Connector in Keycloak. Run the following commands on the UCS system that has Keycloak installed:

    Listing 4.9 Create SAML client for Microsoft 365 Connector in Keycloak#
    # get the saml client metadata xml from microsoft
    $ curl https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/federationmetadata/saml20/federationmetadata.xml > /tmp/ms.xml
    # create the client in keycloak
    $ univention-keycloak saml/sp create \
      --metadata-file /tmp/ms.xml \
      --metadata-url urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline \
      --idp-initiated-sso-url-name MicrosoftOnline \
      --name-id-format persistent
    # create a SAML nameid mapper
    $ univention-keycloak saml-client-nameid-mapper create \
      urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline \
      entryUUID \
      --mapper-nameid-format "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent" \
      --user-attribute entryUUID \
  2. For the configuration of the SAML settings of your Azure Active Directory domain you need the public certificate and the base URL of the Keycloak server. Run the following commands on the UCS system that has Keycloak installed:

    Listing 4.10 Retrieve public certificate and Keycloak base URL#
    $ univention-keycloak saml/idp/cert get --output /tmp/keycloak.cert
    $ cat /tmp/keycloak.cert

    The output of the command in Listing 4.10 is the certificate. Replace KEYCLOAK_CERTIFICATE in the following steps with this value.

    Listing 4.11 Retrieve public certificate and Keycloak base URL#
    $ univention-keycloak get-keycloak-base-url

    The command in Listing 4.11 outputs the base URL of your Keycloak server. Replace SSO_URL in the following steps with this value.

  3. To configure the SAML settings for the Azure Active Directory domain, copy the following code block to your Microsoft Windows client computer. Replace the values for SSO_URL, KEYCLOAK_CERTIFICATE, the Azure Active Directory domain name and credentials and run the script in the Microsoft Windows PowerShell.

    Listing 4.12 Change Azure Active Directory domain authentication to use Keycloak#
    # CHANGE this according to your setup/environemt
    $sso_url = "replace with SSO_URL"
    $signing_cert = "replace with KEYCLOAK_CERTIFICATE"
    $domain = "YOUR AZURE DOMAIN NAME"
    $username = "YOUR AZURE DOMAIN ADMIN"
    $realm = "REALM OF CHOICE (usually ucs)"
    # CHANGE end
    $issuer_uri = "$sso_url/realms/$realm"
    $logon_uri = "$sso_url/realms/$realm/protocol/saml"
    $passive_logon_uri = "$sso_url/realms/$realm/protocol/saml"
    $logoff_uri = "$sso_url/realms/$realm/protocol/saml"
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$password" -AsPlainText -Force
    $credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass
    $o365cred = Get-Credential $credential
    Install-Module MSOnline
    Import-Module MSOnline
    Connect-MsolService -Credential $o365cred
    Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName "$domain" -Authentication Managed
    Set-MsolDomainAuthentication `
        -DomainName "$domain" `
        -FederationBrandName "UCS" `
        -Authentication Federated `
        -ActiveLogOnUri "$logon_uri" `
        -PassiveLogOnUri "$passive_logon_uri" `
        -SigningCertificate "$signing_cert" `
        -IssuerUri "$issuer_uri" `
        -LogOffUri "$logoff_uri" `
        -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol SAMLP
  4. To change the link in the UCS portal entry Microsoft 365 Login for the IdP initiated single sign-on, run the following commands on your UCS Primary Directory Node:

    Listing 4.13 Change portal entry for Microsoft 365 Login to IdP initiated single sign-on#
    $ realm="ucs"
    $ udm portals/entry modify \
      --dn "cn=office365,cn=entry,cn=portals,cn=univention,$(ucr get ldap/base)" \
      --set link='"en_US" "'"$SSO_URL"'/realms/"'"$realm"'"/protocol/saml/clients/MicrosoftOnline"'

To validate the setup, visit https://www.microsoft365.com/ and sign in with one of the UCS user accounts enabled for Microsoft 365. Also, verify the UCS portal entry Microsoft 365 Login for the IdP initiated single sign-on.


The automatic redirect after the single sign-out doesn’t work with Keycloak. Migration of additional Azure AD connections#

It is possible to configure additional Azure AD connections for single-sign on using the Microsoft 365 Connector wizard. If multiple AD connections were configured according to Extended Configuration, each connection needs to be migrated individually to Keycloak. Since Azure AD explicitly needs different entity IDs for each connection, this entails the creation of a new IdP and therefore a new realm for each connection.

To create a new logical IdP in Keycloak, run the following commands on your UCS Keycloak host.

Listing 4.14 Create a new logical IdP in Keycloak#
$ univention-keycloak proxy-realms create "$AD_CONNECTION"

Use the following call to get the certificate of your newly created IdP

Listing 4.15 Get the certificate of the newly created Realm#
$ univention-keycloak saml/idp/cert get \
   --realm-id="$AD_CONNECTION" \
   --output "/tmp/keycloak-"$AD_CONNECTION".cert"
 cat /tmp/keycloak-"$AD_CONNECTION".cert

Using this certificate as $signing_cert and the AD_CONNECTION as $realm, follow the steps from Change Azure Active Directory domain authentication to use Keycloak onward to update the SAML settings for the Azure Active Directory domain.

Repeat these steps for each additional configured Azure AD connection.

See also

Microsoft 365 Connector

in Univention App Catalog