9.2. Active Directory Connection#
Univention Corporate Server can be operated together with an existing Active Directory domain (AD domain) in two different ways. Both modes can be set up using the Active Directory Connection application from the Univention App Center (see Installation of further software). This is available on a Primary Directory Node and Backup Directory Node.
The two modes are:
UCS as a part (domain member) of an AD domain (see UCS as a member of an Active Directory domain)
Synchronization of account data between an AD domain and a UCS domain (see Setup of the UCS AD connector).
In both modes, the Active Directory Connection service is used in UCS (UCS AD Connector for short), which can synchronize the directory service objects between a Windows 2012/2016/2019/2022 server with Active Directory (AD) and the OpenLDAP directory of Univention Corporate Server.
In the first case, the configuration of a UCS server system as a member of an AD domain, the AD functions as the primary directory service and the respective UCS system joins the trust context of the AD domain. The domain membership gives the UCS system restricted access to the account data of the Active Directory domain. The setup of this operating mode is described in detail in UCS as a member of an Active Directory domain.
The second mode, which can be configured via the Active Directory Connection app, is used to run the UCS domain parallel to an existing AD domain. In this mode, each domain user is assigned a user account with the same name in both the UCS and the AD domain. Thanks to the use of the name identity and the synchronization of the encrypted password data, this mode allows transparent access between the two domains. In this mode, the authentication of a user in the UCS domain occurs directly within the UCS domain and as such is not directly dependent on the AD domain. The setup of this operating mode is described in detail in Setup of the UCS AD connector.
9.2.1. UCS as a member of an Active Directory domain#
In the configuration of a UCS server system as a member of an AD domain (AD member mode), the AD functions as the primary directory service and the respective UCS system joins the trust context of the AD domain. The UCS system is not able to operate as an Active Directory domain controller itself. The domain membership gives the UCS system restricted access to the account data of the Active Directory domain, which it exports from the AD by means of the UCS AD Connector and writes locally in its own OpenLDAP-based directory service. In this configuration, the UCS AD Connector does not write any changes in the AD.
The AD member mode is ideal for expanding an AD domain with applications that are available on the UCS platform. Apps installed on the UCS platform can then be used by the users of the AD domain. The authentication is still performed against native Microsoft AD domain controllers.
The setup wizard can be started directly from the UCS installation by selecting Join into an existing Active Directory domain. Subsequently, the setup wizard can be installed with the app Active Directory Connection from the Univention App Center. Alternatively, the software package univention-ad-connector can be installed. Further information can be found in Installation of further software.
The AD member mode can only be configured on a Primary Directory Node.
The name of the DNS domain of the UCS systems must match that of the AD domain. The hostname must of course be different.
All the AD and UCS servers in a connector environment must use the same time zone.

Fig. 9.5 Configuration of the operating mode as part of an AD domain#
In the first dialogue window of the setup wizard, the point Configure UCS as part of an AD domain is preselected and can be confirmed with Next.
The next dialogue window requests the address of an AD domain controller as well as the name of the standard administrator account of the AD domain and its password. The standard AD administrator account should be used here. The specified AD domain controller should also provide DNS services for the domain. Pressing the Join AD domain button starts the domain join.

Fig. 9.6 Domain join of an AD domain#
If the system time of the UCS system is more than 5 minutes ahead of the system time of the AD domain controller, manual adjustment of the system times is required. This is necessary because the AD Kerberos infrastructure is used for the authentication. System times should not, however, be turned back, in order to avoid inconsistencies.
The domain join is performed automatically. The subsequent dialogue window should be confirmed with Finish. Then the UMC server should be restarted by clicking Restart.
Once the AD member mode has been set up, the authentication is performed
against the AD domain controller. Consequently, the password from the AD
domain now applies for the administrator. If an AD domain with a non-English
language convention has been joined, the administrator
account from UCS
is automatically changed to the spelling of the AD during the domain join.
The same applies for all user and group objects with Well Known SID (e.g.,
Domain Admins
If additional UCS systems were already part of the UCS domain in addition to the Primary Directory Node, they must also join the domain anew. At the same time they recognize that the Primary Directory Node is in AD member mode and also join the authentication structure of the AD domain and can then also provide Samba file shares, for example.
As the AD Kerberos infrastructure is used for the authentication of users in this mode, it is essential that the system times of UCS and the AD domain controller are synchronized (with a tolerance of 5 minutes). For this purpose, the AD domain controller is configured as the NTP time server in UCS. In the case of authentication problems, the system time should always be the first thing to be checked.
Following this setup, the UMC module Active Directory Connection can be used for further administration, e.g., for checking whether the service is running and to restart it if necessary (see Starting/Stopping the Active Directory Connection).
To use an encrypted connection between Active Directory and the Primary Directory Node not only for the authentication, but also for data exchange itself, the root certificate of the certification authority can be exported from the AD domain controller and uploaded via the UMC module. Further information on this topic is available in Importing the SSL certificate of the Active Directory.
By default the Active Directory connection setup in this way does not transfer any password data from AD to the UCS directory service. Some apps from the Univention App Center require encrypted password data. If an app needs it, a note is shown in the App Center.
In AD member mode the UCS AD Connector exports object data from the AD with
the authorizations of the Primary Directory Node’s machine account by default. These
authorizations are not sufficient for exporting encrypted password data. In this
case, the LDAP DN of a privileged replication user can be adjusted manually in
the Univention Configuration Registry Variable connector/ad/ldap/binddn
. This must be a member of the
Domain Admins
group in the AD. The corresponding password must be saved in a
file on the Primary Directory Node and the filename entered in the Univention Configuration Registry Variable
. If the access password is changed at a later
point in time, the new password must be entered in this file. The access rights
for the file should be restricted so that only the root
owner has access.
The following commands demonstrate the steps in an example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/ldap/binddn=Administrator
$ ucr set connector/ad/ldap/bindpw=/etc/univention/connector/password
$ touch /etc/univention/connector/password
$ chmod 600 /etc/univention/connector/password
$ echo -n "Administrator password" > /etc/univention/connector/password
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/user/password/kinit=false
If needed, the AD domain controller can also be replaced by the Primary Directory Node at a later point in time. This is possible via the Active Directory Takeover application (see Migrating an Active Directory domain to UCS using Univention AD Takeover).
9.2.2. Setup of the UCS AD connector#
As an alternative to membership in an AD domain, as described in the previous section, the Active Directory Connection can be used to synchronize user and group objects between a UCS domain and an AD domain. In addition to unidirectional synchronization, this operating mode also allows bidirectional synchronization. In this operating mode, both domains exist in parallel and their authentication systems function independently. The prerequisite for this is the synchronization of the encrypted password data.
By default containers, organizational units, users, groups and computers are synchronized.
The UCS AD connector can only be installed on a Primary Directory Node or Backup Directory Node system.
Information on the attributes configured in the basic setting and particularities to take into account can be found in Details on preconfigured synchronization.
The identical user settings in both domains allow users to access services in both environments transparently. After logging in to a UCS domain, subsequent connection to a file share or to an Exchange server with Active Directory is possible without a renewed password request. Users and administrators will find users and groups of the same name on the resources of the other domain and can thus work with their familiar permission structures.
The initialization is performed after the first start of the connector. All the entries are read out of the UCS, converted to AD objects according to the mapping set and added (or modified if already present) on the AD side. All the objects are then exported from the AD and converted to UCS objects and added/modified accordingly on the UCS side. As long as there are changes, the directory service servers continue to be requested. The UCS AD connector can also be operated in a unidirectional mode.
Following the initial sync, additional changes are requested at a set interval.
This value is set to five seconds and can be adjusted manually using the
Univention Configuration Registry variable connector/ad/poll/sleep
If an object cannot be synchronized, it is firstly reset (rejected).
Following a configurable number of cycles – the interval can be adjusted using
the Univention Configuration Registry variable connector/ad/retryrejected
– another attempt is
made to import the changes. The standard value is ten cycles. In addition, when
the UCS AD Connector is restarted, an attempt is also made to synchronize the
previously rejected changes again. Basic configuration of the UCS AD Connector#
The UCS AD Connector is configured using a wizard in the UMC module Active Directory Connection.
The module can be installed from the Univention App Center with the application Active Directory Connection. Alternatively, the software package univention-ad-connector can be installed. Additional information can be found in Installation of further software.
All AD and UCS servers in a connector environment must use the same time zone.
Despite intensive tests it is not possible to rule out that the results of the synchronization may affect the operation of a productive domain. The connector should therefore be tested for the respective requirements in a separate environment in advance.
It is convenient to perform the following steps with a web browser from the AD domain controller, as the files need to be downloaded from the AD domain controller and uploaded to the wizard.
In the first dialog window of the setup wizard, the point Synchronization of content data between an AD and this UCS domain must be selected and confirmed with Next.

Fig. 9.7 Configuration of the UCS AD Connector via UMC module#
The address of an AD domain controller is requested in the next dialogue window. Here you can specify the IP address of a fully qualified DNS name. If the UCS system is not be able to resolve the computer name of the AD system, the AD DNS server can either be configured as the DNS forwarder under UCS or a DNS host record can be created for the AD system in the UMC module DNS (see A/AAAA records (host records)).
Alternatively, a static entry can also be adopted in /etc/hosts
Univention Configuration Registry, e.g.
$ ucr set hosts/static/
In the Active Directory account field, the user is configured which is used
for the access on the AD. The setting is saved in the Univention Configuration Registry Variable
. The replication user must be a member of the
Domain Admins
group in the AD.
The password used for the access must be entered in the Active Directory
password field. On the UCS system it is only saved locally in a file which only
the root
user can read.
Changing the AD access password describes the steps required if these access data need to be adjusted at a later point in time.
Clicking on Next prompts the setup wizard to check the connection to the AD domain controller. If it is not possible to create an SSL/TLS-encrypted connection, a warning is emitted in which you are advised to install a certification authority on the AD domain controller. It is recommended to follow this advice.
UCS 5.0 requires TLS 1.2, which needs to be activated manually for Windows Server Releases prior to 2012R2. UCS 5.0 doesn’t support the hash algorithm SHA-1 any longer. If this has been used in the creation of the AD root certificate or for the certificate of the Windows server then they should be replaced.
Following this step, the setup can be continued by clicking Next again. If it is still not possible to create an SSL/TLS-encrypted connection, a security query appears asking whether to set up the synchronization without SSL encryption. If this is needed, the setup can be continued by clicking Continue without encryption. In this case, the synchronization of the directory data is performed unencrypted.
If the AD domain controller supports SSL/TLS-encrypted connections, the setup wizard offers Upload AD root certificate in the next step. This certificate must be exported from the AD certification authority in advance (see Importing the SSL certificate of the Active Directory). In contrast, if this step is skipped, the certificate can also be uploaded via the UMC module at a later point in time and the SSL/TLS encryption enabled (until that point all directory data will, however, be synchronized unencrypted).
The connector can be operated in different modes, which can be selected in the next dialogue window Configuration of Active Directory domain synchronization. In addition to bidirectional synchronization, replication can also be performed in one direction from AD to UCS or from UCS to AD. Once the mode has been selected, Next needs to be clicked.
Once Next is clicked, the configuration is taken over and the UCS AD Connector started. The subsequent dialogue window needs to be closed by clicking on Finish.
Following this setup, the UMC module Active Directory Connection can be used for further administration of the Active Directory Connection, e.g., for checking whether the service is running and restart it if necessary (see Starting/Stopping the Active Directory Connection).
The connector can also synchronize several AD domains within one UCS domain; this is documented in Extended Windows integration documentation [7].

Fig. 9.8 Administration dialogue for the Active Directory Connection# Importing the SSL certificate of the Active Directory#
A SSL certificate must be created on the Active Directory system and the root certificate exported to allow encrypted communication. The certificate is created by the Active Directory’s certificate service. The necessary steps depend on the Windows versions used. Three versions are shown below as examples.
The encrypted communication between the UCS system and Active Directory can also
be deactivated by setting the Univention Configuration Registry Variable connector/ad/ldap/ssl
. This setting does not affect the replication of encrypted password
Exporting the certificate on Windows 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022#
If the certificate service isn’t installed yet, add it to your domain with the following steps before you proceed:
Open the Server Manager.
Select the role Active Directory Certificate Services in
.In the services list, select Certification Authority. The top bar in the Server Manager shows a yellow warning triangle.
Select the option Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the server and configure the Certification Authority as selected role service.
as type of installation.Click Create a new private key, confirm the suggested encryption settings and the name of the certification authority.
Choose any period for validity and use the standard paths for the database location.
Finally, restart your Windows Active Directory server to let the changes come into effect.
See also
- Install the Certification Authority
for detailed procedure about installing the certificate authority in Install the Certification Authority [12].
To export the certificate authority certificate, use the following steps:
Open the Server Manager.
Select the role Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).
Right-click the name of the Windows server and select Certification Authority. A window with the certification authority opens. A tree of hosts below Certification Authority shows up on the left side.
Every host has the elements Revoked Certificates, Issued Certificates, Pending Requests, Failed Requests, and Certificate Templates underneath.
In the server list, right-click the Windows host that serves your certificate authority and select Properties. Don’t mix it up with one of the other elements.
In the Properties window, select View Certificate.
and clickImportant
It’s important to copy the certificate usually with the name
Certificate #0
, because AD Connection needs exactly this certificate for a secure connection.In the opening Certificate window, select the tab Details and click Copy to File ….
Copying the Active Directory certificate to the UCS system#
The SSL AD certificate should now be imported into the UCS system using the UMC module.
This is done by clicking on Upload in the sub menu Active Directory connection SSL configuration. This opens a window in which a file can be selected, which is being uploaded and integrated into the UCS AD Connector. Starting/Stopping the Active Directory Connection#
The connector can be started using Start Active Directory connection service
and stopped using Stop Active Directory connection service. Alternatively,
the starting/stopping can also be performed with the
init-script. Functional test of basic settings#
The correct basic configuration of the connector can be checked by searching in Active Directory from the UCS system. Here one can search e.g. for the administrator account in Active Directory with:
$ univention-adsearch cn=Administrator
As univention-adsearch accesses the configuration saved in Univention Configuration Registry, this allows you to check the reachability/configuration of the Active Directory access. Changing the AD access password#
The access data required by the UCS AD Connector for Active Directory are
configured via the Univention Configuration Registry Variable connector/ad/ldap/binddn
. If the password has changed or you wish to
use another user account, these variables must be adapted manually.
The Univention Configuration Registry Variable connector/ad/ldap/binddn
is used to configure the LDAP
DN of a privileged replication user. This must be a member of the Domain
group in the AD. The corresponding password must be saved locally in a
file on the UCS system, the name of which must be entered in the Univention Configuration Registry Variable
. The access rights for the file should be
restricted so that only the root
owner has access. The following commands
show this as an example:
$ eval "$(ucr shell)"
$ echo "Updating ${connector_ad_ldap_bindpw?}"
$ echo "for AD sync user ${connector_ad_ldap_binddn?}"
$ touch "${connector_ad_ldap_bindpw?}"
$ chmod 600 "${connector_ad_ldap_bindpw?}"
$ echo -n "Current AD Syncuser password" > "${connector_ad_ldap_bindpw?}"
9.2.3. Additional tools / Debugging connector problems#
The Active Directory Connection provides the following tools and log files for diagnosis:
- univention-adsearch
This tool facilitates a LDAP search in Active Directory. Objects deleted in AD are always shown (they are still kept in an LDAP sub tree in AD). As the first parameter the script awaits an LDAP filter; the second parameter can be a list of LDAP attributes to be displayed.
$ univention-adsearch cn=administrator cn givenName
- univention-adconnector-list-rejected
This tool lists the DNs of non-synchronized objects. In addition, in so far as temporarily stored, the corresponding DN in the respective other LDAP directory will be displayed. In conclusion
shows the ID of the last change synchronized by AD.This script may display an error message or an incomplete output if the AD connector is in operation.
- remove_ad_rejected.py
You can use this script to remove an AD object from the AD rejected list located in the internal database file
$ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/remove_ad_rejected.py \ -c connector <AD object DN>
- remove_ucs_rejected.py
You can use this script to remove an UCS directory object from the UCS rejected list located in the internal database file
$ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/remove_ucs_rejected.py \ -c connector <UCS object DN>
- resync_object_from_ad.py
You can use this script to re-synchronize directory objects from AD to UCS. Use it to synchronize a single or multiple directory objects.
# to re-sychronize a single object $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ad.py \ -c connector <object DN> # to re-synchronize all objects matching a specific filter $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ad.py \ -c connector \ --filter "(objectClass=posixAccount)" # to re-synchronize all objects matching a specific base $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ad.py \ -c connector \ --filter "(objectClass=posixAccount)" \ --base "dc=example,dc=com"
- resync_object_from_ucs.py
You can use this script to re-synchronize directory objects from UCS to AD. Use it to synchronize a single or multiple directory objects.
# to re-synchronize a single object $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ucs.py \ -c connector <object DN> # to re-synchronize all objects matching a specific filter $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ucs.py \ -c connector \ --filter "<LDAP filter>" \ # to re-synchronize all objects matching a specific base $ /usr/share/univention-ad-connector/resync_object_from_ucs.py \ -c connector \ --filter "<LDAP filter>" \ --base "<base dn>" \
- prepare-new-instance
You can use this script to create AD connection instances. The script copies the required files and sets specific UCR variables.
Alternatively, you can use this script to delete an AD connection instance. The script then internally removes the files for the instance and resets the UCR variables.
- well-known-sid-object-rename
You can use this script to rename users and groups with well-known SIDs in UDM. The AD Connection uses it to rename users and groups with well-known SIDs.
- make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine
You can use this script to grant list and read access to
CN=Deleted Objects
in Active Directory.
- Log files
For troubleshooting when experiencing synchronization problems, corresponding messages can be found in the following files on the UCS system:
9.2.4. Selective synchronization#
You can configure the Active Directory Connection to synchronize only a specific selection of source objects. You can select the source objects according to the following criteria, described in detail in the following sections:
Selecting objects by location in the LDAP subtree
Selecting objects by matching an LDAP filter
Selecting all items except by location in the LDAP subtree
Selecting all items except by matching an LDAP filter Allow only specific LDAP subtrees#
To configure the connector to synchronize only specific subtrees of the LDAP structure you can use the following UCR variables:
- connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/.*/ucs#
For synchronization from UCS LDAP directory to Active Directory
Use this Univention Configuration Registry Variable to define a DN from your UCS LDAP directory for the synchronization to the connected Active Directory. Then the AD Connection only considers UCS LDAP objects for synchronization that locate in subtrees specified by one of these UCR variables. You must include the LDAP base in the DNs and the comparison of the DNs is case-insensitive.
See the explanation of the
placeholder below.For example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/school1/ucs="ou=school1,dc=ucs,domain" $ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/school2/ucs="ou=school2,dc=ucs,domain"
- connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/.*/ad#
For synchronization from Active Directory to UCS LDAP directory
Use this Univention Configuration Registry Variable to define a DN from your Active Directory for the synchronization to your UCS LDAP directory. Then the AD Connection only considers Active Directory objects for synchronization that locate in subtrees specified by one of these UCR variables. You must include the LDAP base in the DNs and the comparison of the DNs is case-insensitive.
See the explanation of the
placeholder below.For example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/school1/ad="ou=school1,dc=ad,domain" $ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/allowsubtree/school2/ad="ou=school2,dc=ad,domain"
- Placeholder
part of the variable is a placeholder that you can use as an individual label for each variable. If you follow this approach, you create a series of UCR variables of the types described. Each variable contains only one DN.
For each LDAP subtree that you want to allow for synchronization, you have to configure a separate Univention Configuration Registry Variable.
After you have defined or changed the UCR variables, you must restart the Active Directory Connection.
The Active Directory Connection determines the position of the target object
by dynamic and static factors
such as the mapping property attributes dn_mapping_function
and position_mapping
if they’re configured in the mapping for individual object types.
The position of the corresponding target object can therefore be outside
the subtrees corresponding to the Univention Configuration Registry Variable.
If you use of the …/allowsubtree/.*/[ad|ucs]
and move a source object from inside a considered subtree
to a position that’s outside of the combined scope of all of your …/allowsubtree/.*/[ad|ucs]
then the AD Connection removes the object from the target directory. Allow only objects that match an LDAP filter#
You can configure an LDAP filter for each type of object. Active Directory Connection synchronizes only LDAP objects that match that filter. It ignores all other LDAP objects.
For bi-directional synchronization, the filter must match both, the UCS object and the AD object. If an object matching the filter is deleted, the connector also deletes the corresponding object on the other side.
- connector/ad/mapping/{type}/allowfilter#
The connector only synchronizes those objects with
object type that match this LDAP filter.{type}
can be one of the following values:user
For example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/user/allowfilter="(description=sync)"
After changing these settings you must restart the Active Directory Connection.
However, this filter doesn’t support the full LDAP filter syntax. It’s always case-sensitive. You can only use the placeholder
as a single value without any other characters.
If an object that matches the filter is changed so that the filter no longer matches, the connector doesn’t synchronize the change. This means that the connector still applies changes from the other side to the object.
If you want to turn off the synchronization for an object, you must make the change on both sides, UCS and Active Directory. Ignore objects from specific LDAP subtrees#
To configure the connector to ignore objects from certain LDAP subtrees you can use the following Univention Configuration Registry Variable:
- connector/ad/mapping/ignoresubtree/.*#
The variable defines the locations in the directory service that the connector excludes from the synchronization. The values can contain positions in Active Directory and in the UCS LDAP directory. By default, the variable isn’t set.
For example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/ignoresubtree/ignore1="cn=alumni,dc=ucs,domain" $ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/ignoresubtree/ignore2="cn=alumni,dc=ad,domain"
After changing this setting you must restart the Active Directory Connection. Ignore objects by LDAP filter#
To exclude objects from the synchronization, you can add their names to the following Univention Configuration Registry Variable:
- connector/ad/mapping/{type}/ignorelist#
The connector doesn’t synchronize the objects that this variable defines as values. Separate multiple values by commas. For the possible values for
, see Table 9.1. The table also shows which LDAP attributes you need to consider in the filter depending on the object type.Table 9.1 Mapping for which {type}
needs which LDAP attribute#{type}
Value from LDAP attribute
For example, the
type considers the LDAP attributeuid
:$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/user/ignorelist="Administrator,krbtgt,root,pcpatch,mmustermann"
Some of the
settings have defaults that are important for the functionality of the connector. Make sure that you don’t overwrite these settings. You can verify the current value of a Univention Configuration Registry Variable with the following command:$ ucr get connector/ad/mapping/user/ignorelist
For more flexibility you can also set an LDAP filter to ignore objects. Use the following Univention Configuration Registry Variable:
- connector/ad/mapping/{type}/ignorefilter#
The connector doesn’t synchronize the objects that match this LDAP filter.
can be have one of the following values:user
For example:
$ ucr set connector/ad/mapping/user/ignorefilter="(description=no sync)"
However, this filter doesn’t support the full LDAP filter syntax. It’s always case-sensitive. You can only use the placeholder
as a single value without any other characters.
After changing these settings, you must restart the Active Directory Connection. Priority of allow and ignore rules#
This section describes the processing order for the previously documented settings for selective synchronization.
The Active Directory Connection processes the allow and ignore rules in a defined order. Depending on the evaluation result, the connector behaves as follows:
If a rule results in the connector ignoring an object, the connector stops processing the rule and doesn’t synchronize the object.
If a rule results in the connector not ignoring an object, the connector evaluates the next rule. If the rule was the last rule and there’s no next rule, the connector synchronizes the object.
The connector evaluates the rules for each object in the following order:
Allow subtree:
- UCR variables:
- No match:
No synchronization. Stop.
- Match:
Allow filter:
- UCR variable:
- No match:
No synchronization. Stop.
- Match:
Ignore subtree:
- UCR variable:
- No match:
- Match:
No synchronization. Stop.
Ignore filter:
- UCR variables:
- No match:
- Match:
No synchronization. Stop.
End of rules.
Synchronize object.
9.2.5. Details on preconfigured synchronization#
By default, the Active Directory Connection excludes some LDAP subtrees from the synchronization.
You can find the list of ignored subtrees in the /var/log/univention/connector-ad-mapping.log
under the ignore_subtree
setting for each object type. Containers and organizational units#
Containers and organizational units are synchronized together with their
description. In addition, the cn=mail
and cn=kerberos
containers are
ignored on both sides. Some particularities must be noted for containers on the
AD side. In the User manager Active Directory offers no possibility
to create containers, but displays them only in the advanced mode
( ).
Take the following particularities into account:
Containers or organizational units deleted in AD are deleted recursively in UCS, which means that any non-synchronized subordinate objects, which are not visible in AD, are also deleted. Groups#
Groups are synchronized using the group name, whereby a user’s primary group is taken into account (which is only stored for the user in LDAP in AD).
Group members with no opposite in the other system, e.g., due to ignore filters, are ignored (thus remain members of the group).
The description of the group is also synchronized.
Take the following particularities into account:
The pre Windows 2000 name (LDAP attribute
) is used in AD, which means that a group in Active Directory can appear under a different name from in UCS.The connector ignores groups, which have been configured as a Well-Known Group under Samba group type in Univention Directory Manager. There is no synchronization of the SID or the RID.
Groups which were configured as Local Group under Samba group type in Univention Directory Manager are synchronized as a global group in the Active Directory by the connector.
Newly created or moved groups are always saved in the same subcontainer on the opposite side. If several groups with the same name are present in different containers during initialization, the members are synchronized, but not the position in LDAP. If one of these groups is migrated on one side, the target container on the other side is identical, so that the DNs of the groups can no longer be differentiated from this point onward.
Certain group names are converted using a mapping table so that, for example in a German language setup, the UCS group
Domain Users
is synchronized with the AD group Domänen-Benutzer. When used in anglophone AD domains, this mapping can result in germanophone groups’ being created and should thus be deactivated in this case. This can be done using the Univention Configuration Registry Variableconnector/ad/mapping/group/language
.The complete table is:
UCS group
AD group
Domain Users
Domain Admins
Windows Hosts
Nested groups are represented differently in AD and UCS. In UCS, if groups are members of groups, these objects can not always be synchronized on the AD side and appear in the list of rejected objects. Due to the existing limitations in Active Directory, nested groups should only be assigned there.
If a global group
is accepted as a member of another global groupB
in Univention Directory Manager, this membership does not appear in Active Directory because of the internal AD limitations in Windows 2000/2003. If groupA
’s name is then changed, the group membership to groupB
will be lost. Since Windows 2008 this limitation no longer exists and thus global groups can also be nested in Active Directory.
Custom mappings#
For custom mappings, see Active Directory Connection custom mappings in Univention Developer Reference [3]. Users#
Users are synchronized like groups using the username or using the AD pre Windows 2000 name. The First name, Last name, Primary group (in so far as present on the other side), Organization, Description, Street, City, Postal code, Windows home path, Windows login script, Disabled and Account expiry date attributes are transferred. Indirectly Password, Password expiry date and Change password on next login are also synchronized. Primary email address and Telephone number are prepared, but commented out due to differing syntax in the mapping configuration.
The root
and Administrator
users are exempted.
Take the following particularities into account:
Users are also identified using the name, so that for users created before the first synchronization on both sides, the same process applies as for groups as regards the position in LDAP.
In some cases, a user to be created under AD, for which the password has been rejected, is deleted from AD immediately after creation. The reasoning behind this is that AD created this user firstly and then deletes it immediately once the password is rejected. If these operations are transmitted to UCS, they are transmitted back to AD. If the user is re-entered on the AD side before the operation is transmitted back, it is deleted after the transmission. The occurrence of this process is dependent on the polling interval set for the connector.
AD and UCS create new users in a specific primary group (usually
Domain Users
) depending on the presetting. During the first synchronization from UCS to AD the users are therefore always a member in this group.