3.12. Protocol of activities in the domain#
The Admin Diary app provides the facility to log important events happening in the domain. This includes among others:
Creation, move, modification and deletion of users and other objects using Univention Directory Manager
Installation, update and deinstallation of apps
Server password changes
Start, end and eventual failures of domain joins
Start and end of UCS updates

Fig. 3.4 View of events in Admin Diary#
Fig. 3.4 shows, how events are shown in the UMC module Admin Diary. By default the displayed entries are grouped by week and can additionally be filtered through the search field. Selecting an entry from the list opens a dialog showing additional details about the who and when of the event, as shown in Fig. 3.5. Moreover there is the possibility to comment each event.

Fig. 3.5 Detail view in Admin Diary#
The app consists of two components:
- Admin Diary backend
The backend must be installed on one system in the domain before the frontend can be installed. It includes a customization for rsyslog and writes into a central database, which defaults to PostgreSQL. If MariaDB or MySQL is already installed on the target system, it will be used instead of PostgreSQL.
- Admin Diary frontend
Likewise the frontend must be installed at least once, but more installations are also possible. The frontend includes the UMC module Admin Diary, which is used to show and comment the entries. When installing it on a different host than where the backend is installed, access to the central database needs to be configured manually. The required steps for this are described in Admin Diary - How to separate frontend and backend.